So on Twitter there started a series of jokes with the pattern “I have a … joke, but ..” with a related ending.
Catholic Twitter picked up on this with their own take.
So this was my first set.
- I have a Carmelite joke, but I am not attached to it.
- I have a Franciscan joke, but it is rather poor.
- I have a Dominican joke, but it is for the dogs.
- I have a Jesuit joke, but it can’t be said in dissent company.
- I have a Benedictine joke, but it’s poisonous.
- I have a Trappist joke, but I can’t speak of it.
- I have a Paulist joke, I will tell it if you press me.
- I have a Salesians joke, I kid you not.
- I have a Missionaries of Charity joke, but you will be sari to hear it.
Then later a couple more.
- I had a joke about a plenary indulgence, but nobody got it.
- I had a joke about receiving Communion, but my Bishop disallowed it because it was tongue-in-cheek.
A quick sampling of others I found:
- I have a good Dante joke but you have to go through hell to get to punchline. Jenna @JennaSaisQuoi87
- I have a killer memento mori joke. Sr. Theresa Aletheia
- I have an Aquinas joke and five responses to that joke and Aquinas’ response to each of those responses @Japesentner
- I have a joke about abortionists, but it will suck the life out of you… Obianuju Ekeocha@obianuju
- I have a joke about Pentecostalism but you can’t understand it. @becominghinged
- I have a St. Stephen joke, but I have to be stoned to tell it. @EyeOfTheTiber
- i have a joke about St. Peter in chains, but it escapes me @DenverGregg
- I have a joke about accidents, but you wouldn’t understand the substance. @ShamelessPapist
- I have a joke about apostolic succession but the sedevacantists tell me it peters out. @DawnofMercy
- I have a joke about eternity but I can’t tell it to you because it has no beginning and no end. @DawnofMercy
- I have a joke about the GIRM but most people probably wouldn’t follow it. @CantareAmantis
- I have a good Tolkien joke but I’m going to spend the rest of my life expanding on and revising it and my son will have it published after my death. @TeawithTolkien
I learned of this joke format via Deacon Greydanus on Facebook and these were his contributions.
I have a joke about St. Jerome but it’s vulgar.
I have a joke about Donald Glover but it’s childish.
I have a joke about St. Francis but it’s for the birds.
I have a joke about Longinus and his companions, but it’s dicey.
I have a joke about St. Francis de Sales but it’s controversial.
I have a joke about Magritte’s pipe. This isn’t it.*
I posted a joke yesterday about St. Augustine but I had to retract it.
I have a joke about Johann Reuchlin but it’s too obscure.**
I have a Baudrillard joke but it’s not original.*
* Updated! This joke is now true as well as funny.
Man, is it ever
*** Not in fact true