WASHINGTON, Jan. 8 /U.S. Newswire/ — After 30 years of
legalized abortion, women from coast to coast who have had abortions will gather
in January at state capitols and in Washington D.C. to speak about their
experience. Many of the women will share their stories while others hold signs
that read “I Regret My Abortion.”
The Silent No More campaign will tell the truth about
abortion’s emotional, spiritual and physical consequences.
Actress, model and author, Jennifer O’Neill, is joining
the Silent No More Campaign as their national spokesperson. As a woman who was
forced to have an abortion, Ms. O’Neill understands the pain, “To have the
opportunity to encourage and comfort the hearts of women who have suffered is
humbling, and making the whole truth known about abortion is absolutely
“We are the voice that hasn’t been heard,” said Georgette
Forney, Executive Director of NOEL, and a co-founder of Silent No More who had
an abortion at age 16. “There is a lot of talk about rights and choice, but very
little attention is given to women who have abortions. I regret my abortion and
I know others who feel the same way. After 30 years it’s time to listen to us —
the women who have experienced it.” [Full Story]