Here, U.S. Senator Rick Santorum, a Pennsylvania Republican, shared his views.
ZENIT: Many people say that President John Kennedy set the pattern for Catholic politicians. And that pattern was: state comes before creed. Is that an accurate assessment of the U.S. situation? Is it justifiable?
Santorum: In order to approach this question, it is necessary to go back to the Bible. We must render to Caesar that which belongs to Caesar and to God that which belongs to him.
I believe most politicians should heed this command from Christ. However, most politicians look at this issue in varying degrees. Some politicians believe their faith plays no role in their decision-making in state affairs, while others believe it plays an essential role in making the best decisions for the state.
I affirm that your creed and values shape what is best for the state. In fact, I believe politicians have an obligation to the state and its constituents, to do what is in their best interest. In reality, there should never be a conflict between your creed and your legislation because both should be oriented toward the good and what is best for society.
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