RightWingSparkle has an interesting account from protesting an abortion clinic.
A couple of interesting things. There was LOTS of media. One cameraman started kind of following me around. I guess because I was speaking to many of the people and he wanted a good shot of something, because nothing exciting was going on. I spoke to a Hispanic grandmother who had been praying the rosary. She pointed to one of the policemen on a horse and said "That is my nephew." She smiled at him and did a little wave. He kinda smiled back and shook his head. "I kid him that one day he will have to arrest me." she giggled. I smiled. "You do this often?" I asked. "I come every Saturday and silently pray the rosary." she answered.
Scary stuff. These people.
Then a very strange thing happened. Suddenly from the 2nd story balcony of the abortion clinic they brought out a 9 foot purple paper mache woman. Her arms were attached with elastic and they had sticks glued to the back of her hands so she could wave back and forth. Some woman from the balcony shouted that she was the goddess of something ( I couldn’t understand her and I never found out what goddess, seems the reporters there weren’t that interested in finding out) I turned to the cameraman that had been following me and said, "Aren’t you going to film that???" He looked reluctant…"I guess so" he said. "YOU GUESS SO???? THIS isn’t newsworthy???? THIS isn’t interesting enough for the local news????" I said.
He filmed it, but I never saw it on any news station or written up in the newspaper. It occurred to me later that the station may have told him to only film that which made the pro-lifers look nutty, not the other way around. I just can’t explain it any other way.
What else did Right Wing Sparkle expect?
The news media establishment is owned by the American Left. And for the Left, abortion is a sacrament.
So many easily led sheep to pray for… I was lectured today by one of “them”, the “don’t impose your Catholic beliefs on the rest of us” thems… *sigh*