A Catholic priest at St. Augustine Parish in Andover has asked state Representative Barbara A. L’Italien to step down as cantor and leader of the children’s choir because of the legislator’s support for abortion rights and gay marriage.
”He said because of my views, he did not want to have me on the altar at church anymore," L’Italien said yesterday, adding that she had refused the request from the Rev. William M. Cleary nearly two weeks ago.
L’Italien has been attending Wednesday night children’s choir practices and plans to act as cantor again during the holidays, unless she receives a written order from Cleary, she said.
”I’m trying to be a good Catholic," L’Italien said. ”But this should be a separate issue. Church should be a sanctuary for me and my faith and not have anything to do with my work." [Source]
This attitude is really not so surprising. First we had the false dichotomy of church and state with the alleged wall of separation to prevent you from actually voting based on your faith. Now we have the separation of work and church. Her comment is just so laughable and devoid of reason. Would her excuse also go for a professional robber? "Hey I only rob people while working, my being in the choir is a separate issue." Well maybe – after all most politicians also force money out of your pocket with the treat of force so maybe this example argument wasn’t sufficiently ad nauseam.
I can imagine a last judgment scene with Jesus separating the sheep from goats. "Excuse me Mr. Christ. I think there has been some mistake! I am suppose to be with the sheep. Jesus replies ‘whatever you do to the least of them you did to me.’ Just a second -are you referring to my support for abortion? If you are then that is where the mistake was made. That was done at work. Hey what do you mean depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire. I already told you that was at work."
I think that she should never have been on the altar in the first place, especially during Mass. How did she get up there? Did she genuflect before or after climbing? Was there adequate room on the mensa? Did she bring her own twin-sized corporal? Did she hop off afterwards, or did she kind of sit down on the edge and squirm? Were trained EMT’s standing by in case of an accident? Was the parish’s liability carrier notified? Are these maneuvers taken into account as part of the parish’s safety training program?
Really, when a person uses phraseology like this (e.g. atque “take” Communion), one has to wonder how Catholic his understanding is. Or “trying to be.”
I hope the pastor speaks to her privately and makes himself clear. Her attitude is all too prevalent in parishes …”what I outside this building is irrelevant to what I do on Sundays..”
Thank God!!! Better she be charitably corrected now and given the chance to save her soul- being a Catholic means DURING the week, too.
I hope you will crosspost this on Catholics in the Public Square, Jeff.
I’m dropping it from my overgrown “To Blog” list and adding it to my “To Blug” one.
Hope for Hitmen
You’ve surely seen this already, but I just had to offer my own blog-style shake of the head: “I’m trying to be a good Catholic,” [Representative Barbara A.] L’Italien said. “But this should be a separate issue. Church should be…
Catholics of convenience should not be allowed in the church at all. Jesus would never allow it. The man gave his life knowing he would rise and live forever. He does this and we repay him by allowing those who need to be convinced into the church.
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qtnhrgmi hcmlatrjf wnyfsipjc jgzrb pifvnbam hqgucfbsk zqare