Rick Lugari posts that Wynette Sills the woman who blew the whistle on the abortion clinic escort and Catholic high school drama teacher has been banned from campus. It certainly sounds like a reprisal for embarrassing them. Maybe if she volunteers as an abortion clinic escort she will be allowed back on campus – though that is overly cynical they certainly need to publicly explain their rational for doing this. Rick also listed the email addresses up for the schools president and principal
The president is Sr. Helen Timothy, htimothy@loretto.net, and the principal is Sr. Barbara Nelson, bnelson@loretto.net. It’s the weekend now, so I am unsure if they would get their mail before Monday, nevertheless if more than a few people write, they should feel compelled to respond in some fashion.
This news was broken by Wynette Sills daughter whose blog has gotten much attention recently especially by those pro-abortion zealots upset by the firing.
One thing I have noticed about any story about a teacher being fired from a Catholic school for some act or position contrary to the faith that they are always reported as "well liked." Do reporters take a poll of students for every story like this? If so then why do we never see stories about teachers who are disliked or evoked neutral reactions from students. If it is indeed true that only "well liked" teachers are being fired than we must work for equal opportunity to ensure other teachers also get the benefit of being fired. Stop the discrimination!
I would like to cite the Sacramento Bee article which covered this course of events, then comment on the citation(s):
“Mitterholzer said teachers working at a Catholic school understand they must follow certain rules.
However, ‘I think that your personal life is your personal life, and she complied with everything asked from the school in her contract.’ ”
(Mitterholzer is another teacher at Loretto)
It is precisely this position ie. “your personal life is your personal life” this dichotomy between who a person is in private and who they are in public that allows so many Catholics to carry on in ways contrary to the faith. Think of politicians (“personally opposed but…”) or even the awful evil perpetrated by priests who led a double life with regards to their public faith and “private behavior.” To sum up in one word: Integrity, the Christian faith must be lived with integrity!
It seems ironic to me anyone could seiously assert that a person’s “personal” life and “faith” life need have no correlation. Is faith completely meaningless to these people?
In other words, they are hypocrites, totally devoid of integrity. What a terrible example for the students.
well liked
Very perceptive on the media bias there.
Hey someone else on her blog asked, “did the bishop also get banned from the school?”
htimothy@loretto.net and bnelson@loretto.net !!!
What are the chances that those nuns wear habits?
Wouldn’t you have more confidence in them if their email addresses were:
sr_helen@loretto.net and sr_barbara@loretto.net ?
Ray from Minneapolis