WASHINGTON (September 22, 2005)— The U.S. Bishops’ Secretary for Education, Sister Glenn Anne McPhee, OP, said Senator Edward Kennedy’s opposition to hurricane relief aid for private and religious schools “makes no sense.”
“Denying educational aid to victims of Katrina because they attended Catholic schools is like denying home repair assistance to anyone who is not in public housing,” said Sister McPhee.
“Congress needs to reach out to help all afflicted by disaster, whatever their race, economic level, or school ties,” she said also.
Denying educational aid to victims of Katrina because they attended Catholic schools is like denying home repair assistance to anyone who is not in public housing. It makes no sense. [Source]
Well, maybe Catholics should now give only their Hurricane Katrina charity money to Catholic organizations who will rebuild the schools. Maybe if all the other organizations stop getting Catholic dollars, they will “push” for the Federal Funds support.
Ted Kennedy has become a characature of himself at this point.
I suspect he has been for some time, we just didn’t notice because we were used to it.
If the guvmint is paying to fix private buildings, why isn’t it paying for Catholic schools repairs? That is discrmination. Judge Napolitano (Fox News) and I do not believe the gumament is responsible or empowered to pay to fix anything that’s not public infrastructure.
Since the 1960’s, Congress has operated as if the gummanament is charged with providing for the needs of certain people, mostly demokrat voters. Wonder pays the bills? That’s why tax cuts “for the rich” are such an torrid issue.
Now, in the frenzy after Katrina, it seems the guvmint must pay to rebuild every house and building in AL, MS, and LA. Again, who pays?
When my house was damaged by a freak tornado in NY, the gumament did not pay to fix it. I want my $2,000 debit card! “Life is not fair!” I pay taxes in the higher brackets and AMT, too.
Why does Massachussets continue to elect this pompous moron?
Why does Massachussets continue to elect this pompous moron?
Because, with the exception of the office of speedbump, err, governor, Massachussets is a one-party state.
Answer: because no one (absolutely no one, not even a green candidate) will run against him. We go to the polls–why? For almost every slot there is only one candidate.
–Amanda in MA
Once you’ve been ensconced in an elected position as long as that guy has been, you’re practically an institution.
happy trigger finger–as I was saying… he’s an institution–name recognition. They know what they’re getting with him. What about some up-and-coming whippersnapper?? Not so much. And MA seems to like that. That’s probably why no one will run against him. They see it as a losing battle.
Maybe nobody runs against Kennedy because of the politcal thuggery they are famous for –
I am amazed that The wonder twins (Kennedy And Kerry) are even acknowledged as Catholics. Their voting records and their public speech is completely at odds with church doctrine. At what point does it get so bad that these two are involuntarily relieved of the title of Catholic.
Is it that the rest of the state of MA completely held hostage by Boston, or is the whole state really in love with these too? Seems like the same situation we have in New York where we have Clinton and Schumer who benefit from the large blue population in NYC.
It is cold comfort that neither Clinton or Schumer, unlike K & K, claim to be Catholic.
Our God is just and He answers prayer. So let’s pray for a prolife candidate to oppose Ted Kennedy in the next election.