Interesting interview with Father Ratzinger (George that is) from an article originally in Junge Freiheit and I believe translated by the blogger at Catholic Church Conservation.
Jamie at Ad Limina Apostolorum kicks of the first of three posts titled A Reflection on the Nature of Episcopal Conferences, Part I of III. In it he looks at some of the pertinent documents, especially John Paul II’s 1998 Apostolic Letter Apostolos Suos, ‘On the Theological and Juridical Nature of Episcopal Conferences.’
Golly. Mr. and Mrs. Ratzinger raised a couple of erudite boys in George and Joseph!
Ditto to Teresa’s comment above. Those Ratzinger boys never cease to amaze me with their intelligence, wisdom and clarity of mind. May God leave them with us for many years!
Dittos to you to Veronica.
Fr. Georg is back in the hospital. Please say a prayer.