Parents upset over sex-ed speaker
Evangelical to talk today at Berkley High about abstinence
This morning. The topic: sex education.
In the past, that alone might have had parents protesting.
But the objections of some parents this week weren’t about sex or talk of abstinence, but instead about religion in school. [Source]
I was rather supervised to find that the speaker they were talking about was Jason Evert of Catholic answers who they described as an evangelical Catholic. The article goes on and on and then mentions it was three parents who complained and worried that the speaker was out to indoctrinate their children. An article in a newspaper about three parents complaining is pretty ridiculous? Talk about a slow news day.
Heaven forbid that anyone indoctrinate their children with vile things like purity, chastity, and a true appreciation of each other
The sex ed in my parochial school did one thing that helped me weather the sex-crazed ’80s (you know, pre-AIDS). It addressed the VALUE of girls and boys as whole people, not sexual commodities to be given away “when you feel comfortable expressing your love that way”. Most of the sex ed literature I’ve read in the last decade is written as if sex is about emotions only and not the whole person.
Let them complain. “The damage has been done”, so to speak, and he delivered his speech.
Hopefully, it will bear fruit in some of their lives. I think young people are more willing to be challenged than some people give them credit for.
This is so stupid. They don’t mind PP coming and filling their minds with trash, but then someone comes in like this, they say no.
Are parents nowadays stupider?
Speakng of PP, I remember when I was a H.S. senior. Our whole class was required to sit through a session of indoctrination from Planned Parenthood. When I suggested we have a chastity speaker come in (equal time or whatever!), school officials agreed, but it became an optional talk (which was only attended by about 10 of us – there were 87 in the class)
Well the day when little Debby or little Tommy comes home and says there’s a baby on the way, what will those parents say to them selves? Well thank God they didn’t become Catholics. I think not.
A columnist from Detroit’s other daily newspaper also wrote about this.
In her column, she says that having Evert speak is controversial because of his evangelism, “that, and the fact that he was a twenty-seven year old virgin when he met his sexually experienced wife at a chastity conference.” (paraphrased)
I am not sure why this fact should add to the controversy, but I am fairly certain the columnist threw that in there to undermine his credibility on the subject. Because, you know, no normal 27-year old would remain a virgin until marriage.
She quotes a student who thinks that the school should instead bring in someone with “medical or sex education” credentials. I would guess that most of the students have a pretty good grasp of the biology involved, and have probably heard the STD and teen pregnancy statistics before. Maybe they are tired of everything being framed in the neagative and will appreciate Evert’s positive message about why it is good to wait for marriage.
I don’t know why that would matter either, Sarah, except maybe to make him look like a hypocrite? Because he himself didn’t marry a virgin, although he’s telling girls they will be more attractive that way? I don’t know.
It’s so sad that this is the norm. Christian speakers aren’t allowed to come speak, but for “a balanced view”, Planned Parenthood bozos are allowed to come and spread their malicious lies to innocent children. Well, if the christian speakers aren’t allowed to come speak, it’s not a very “balanced” view, is it? It’s more like “we pretend to be balanced, but really, we just want those strange abstinence lovers to shut up and die already.”
and one day, they’ll be doing just that.
I’ve watched Jason Everet and his wife speak on EWTN. I thought it took a lot of guts, on her part especially, to publicly speak on how she followed today’s pack by losing her virginity as a teen, because it was basically “the norm,” and continued unhappily in that mode of dating = sex. She expressed loss and lack of direction when Jason came to speak at her school. He gave her hope. His assertion that his words come from, not himself, but the Holy Spirit, is what provokes secularists most especially. I hear a lot of guffawing regarding starting over, reclaiming your virginity, etc. I don’t think it’s funny at all or something to be mocked. What is the alternative? Continue in that lifestyle and delude yourself of the good of it? Or believe that you are now “damaged goods” and unworthy of happiness? Both of those are empty and miserable, and I believe ultimately untrue. Jason and his wife stand for hope, not condemnation. I think they are a courageous young couple who want to see happy marriages and I think folks should give what they say a shot. “Free love” hasn’t = happiness.
“Free love”
There is no such thing as a free lunch…
I was one of the parents who arranged to have this speaker come to our school. It was INTENDED to be an assembly for the entire student body, but, like the article said, it was changed to OPTIONAL because 3 parents complained. I was very upset. Not to mention that these three parents would not give their names to be quoted in the newspaper. I am grateful that the assembly did happen, and am thankful that 300 + students did show up. I know that lives were changed as I witnessed the event. There were cheers and tears for Jason at the end. Additionally, I am on the Health Advisory committee for my district, and this issue is not over. The administration will have to answer to their decision.
A plea for parents of public school children…get involved and don’t be afraid to stand up. I never would’ve imagined I could be as vocal as I have been. It’s an important battle we are fighting! Our children’s physical and emotional health are at stake!
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