This is the ad that was pulled at request of the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C. My own opinion is that it is a somewhat clever ad (quality more YouTubish than polished) that certainly was not meant to be disrespectful and a good way to advertise the Papal Mass. I did like the Pontiff and Driver magazine the man was reading. With so much media that actually engages in Catholic bashing it seems silly to me to get upset over an ad such as this. I am more upset that the bobblehead doll doesn’t look much like the Pope and is wearing the wrong color of vestments.
American Papist first covered the story here.
Very cute. I loved the chant. I get cranky when I hear people disrespecting the Pope. But I’ll bet even he would think this ad was pretty funny.
Why is everyone so upset by the vestments? I think it’s just a Cardinal Ratzinger bobblehead.
First, the vestments: I think they’re trying for the red … um … shawl is the wrong word, but my brain froze … that he wore this Winter. The only thing that’s red is that.
Second, I think the ad is cute. I like the chanting guy. FUNNY! I don’t think they meant any disrespect by it, and it wasn’t mean. We don’t want to be overly sensitive here, you know?
I love the little bobblehead pope on the escalator, too. Very funny!
Not a great likeness in the bobble-head, and errors in the vestments, but a cute ad. Too bad folks over-reacted. It’s nice that Pope gets this much respectful attention, and unfortunate that Catholics look like poor sports. Prayers that his words (far more important!) get the hearing they deserve, and don’t get swallowed up in the inevitable spin that they’ll draw. Blogs will be essential in getting those words out to their intended audience. Viva il papa!
Cute, funny, doesn’t look much like the Pope, though… And I so totally want one of those commemorative subway fare cards. 🙂
That was a great ad! Very cute and clever. I like the use of Papa’s bobblehead. “Avoid the unholy traffic…” Haha The chant and magazines – too cool.
Angels fly because they take themselves lightly…
Low production value aside, I don’t see anything here to be offended by — and something about seeing the tiny pope as the metro doors open is just funny. (He better not try that trick during rush hour, though — he’s likely to get trampled.)
And does it strike anyone else as odd that the archdiocese’s first objection is that the bobblehead is wearing the wrong color vestments? Just sounds a little…thin.
The lady in the seat behind the man is shown reading the Catholic Herald–the ad is promoting Catholic literature so we should be happy about that!
Well, the Archdiocese has to draw the line somewhere. Sadly, it was just shy of the officially-licensed Benedict XVI Build-A-Bear.
Is this why the Archdiocese asked to pull the ad? The bobble-head didn’t have it’s royalties paid up?
Georgetown University hires dissident professors and features pro-abortion speakers…
“Catholic” politicians promoting abortion and attending local Masses and receiving Holy Communion…
And NOW the diocese decides to intervene? Perhaps the word “priorities” needs to be defined for them.
I don’t find it offensive. Silly and not very well done, but not offensive. The archdiocese should spend their time working on other issues.
Also, you should look at intent. Was this intended to be edgy and anti-Catholic? It doesn’t seem like it.
This is a great ad – I love it. It’s my never to be humble opinion that the USCCB wanted it pulled for exactly that reason – it’s sharp – it’s informative – and “Everyman” sitting there on the metro was chanting in Latin – made it seem interesting, wonderfully Catholic and very understandable with a a little help in English – maybe the EF of the Mass wouldn’t be so painful after all?
OF COURSE the pinheads running the USCCB wanted it pulled.
Vestments. Right.
The ad was cute. I wonder why they pulled it? Our fellow Catholics offended by a little chant?
Maybe the ad would have seemed more Catholic if the bus was full of graying hippies playing guitars and badly singing songs where all the verses start with a 1st person pronoun.
The ad was cute, and amusing. Anyone who has ever been in/to DC knows you don’t drive in the city. 😉 When I first saw I assumed it was a Cardinal Ratzinger bobblehead, but then I saw the actually “clothing” was white so it’ didn’t bother me too much, maybe they forgot what colors to put him in and went for the Nationals colors. 😉
Really the Archdiocese got it’s panties in a bunch over something so silly. How about fixing those “catholic universities” in town instead.
I don’t see anything wrong with it either and I am extremely thin-skinned for this type of issues.
My guess is the bobblehead makers were going for the traditional red mozzetta, worn as part of the Holy Father’s choir dress over his white cassock. The only thing it is missing is the distinctive red-and-gold stole that’s visible in the picture on this wikipedia entry ( All in all, if the Archdiocese couldn’t recognize that the bobblehead was wearing a pretty-close approximation of the pope’s choir dress…
Since the bobblehead is not wearing any liturgical garb, it is incorrect to label his clothes as “vestments”. Certainly, his zucchetto is the wrong colour (the pope wears a white one, everyone knows that) but the red mozzetta is perfectly appropriate for most of the Northern winter. Funnily enough he’s actually wearing a white one now because it is Eastertide (Paschaltide).
I agree, the ad is long, boring and silly but not really disrespectful. It seems that in a country where Catholicism has faded from the public sphere public services just don’t know how to treat Catholics respectfully because they don’t see any around. In the last “scene” you can even see the hand holding up he bobblehead.
Boring indeed.
But correct – it seems it is a Cardinal Ratzinger bobblehead.
Honest to God, I love it. But I’m usually getting skewered for enjoying stuff like this. I thought it was clever and fun. FAR better than that tripe LA put out. *gag.
Great job pulling that ad Washington Archdiocese (/sarcasm).
Maybe they should crack down on liturgical abuse, bad priests and other real problems instead of whining about this.
Thank goodness for the responses I’ve read … I was beginning to fear that we Catholics were losing our famous sense of humor. I loved the ad and would be one of the first to be very upset if I thought someone was being disrespectful to our wonderful Pope.
I seldom ever do something like this, but I sent a comment to Metro via their Contact Us page. I sincerely believe the people who produced the ad were of good will and very likely Catholic. Here’s what I wrote:
I understand that you were asked to pull the ad for the Mass Pass and did so. I appreciate the fact you were responsive to the Archdiocese, but I am sorry they asked this of you. As a faithful Catholic I found the ad to be cute, good natured, and void of disrespect. I won’t be there for the Holy Father’s visit, but I appreciate Metro’s efforts to make it a good experience for all those who do.
Rick Lugari
Metro-Detroit area
Rick, what a fantastic idea! I think I will follow suit!
My approach would have been this:
“The Archdiocese applauds the sense of humor displayed in the clever ad for Metro on the day of the Papal Mass. In addition, we thank Metro and all DC area services for assisting in such a great undertaking, displaying their constant sense of professionalism and dedication.
We’re concerned that there may be some confusion because of the unauthorized “bobblehead” used in the ad.
We would simply like to remind the faithful and uninitiated alike that the Holy Father image depicted in the ad is not completely accurate. The Papal Vestments are entirely white, including the “zuchetto” or skull cap with which many people are familiar. Finally, while the Holy Father is a warm man who enjoys the company of people, we remind all that he is not seven and a half inches tall and he will probably not be seen riding the Metro.”
I thought it was a hoot! C’mon- the guy chanting on the Metro. Love it! Of all the things to complain about in Washington 🙁
They are probably worried that the Pope might find out that things are a “little out of control” in this country. I think they are too late–he already knows!
Latin: yes
Mention of papal mass: yes
Lack of production quality: mmm…
Overall: yes
It’s not a Pope Benedict bobblehead wearing the wrong color, it’s a Cardinal Ratzinger bobblehead! I want one!
I think it’s funny. People are too uptight.
I actually like it! I agree–the archdiocese should get busy cracking down on liturgical abuse and other important things instead of worrying about this video.
It’s not a Cardinal Ratzinger bobblehead. Cardinals wear read soutannes, not white. Even in tropical nations where the white cassock is permitted in place of the black by papal indult, cardinals (and monsignori) sport red piping. Only the pope wears a totally white soutanne, and that is what this toy is wearing.
Frankly, I despise the DC Metro system. Their “smartrip” card is exactly what it says “smart” way to “rip” us off. It costs $5 just to have the card and then if there is a problem with it, you have to waste time and money going to Metro Center…
I’m glad the archdiocese is worried about vestments. Maybe Wuerl will send a team around to make sure parishes use dignified vesments for Mass.
I think it’s clever and in good taste.
Amy, I had a very similar reaction to yours.
I thought the ad was very funny, and it made me want to take the Metro to the Papal Mass. Alas, I’m not in the DC area and I do not have tickets. I loved the part where the bobblehead comes up the escalator.
Happy memory: I was standing with crowds in D.C. when JPII visited DC in 1980 (??.) We watched his helicopter land, and the motorcade go by. It was amazing.
I also think it is very funny. A great ad. Anyone who objects to this has a stick up his ***.
Susan Peterson
It is a Pope Benedict bobblehead. You can find it here. You can even see in the ad that is says Pope Benedict XVI on the base. It isn’t their fault if the colors are wrong, take it up with the manufacturer. I thought it was cute.
Sorry. That link doesn’t work. Try this:
I heard that the bobblehead’s zucchetto was made red simply to be a constrast with the white hair.