Wow.. you could make a movie or three about this sort of thing… Oh, wait.
To quote Jeff Goldblum from Jurassic Park: “You scientists were so busy trying to figure out if the could do something they never stopped to wonder if they should.”
I’m sorry, my fascination with elephants just totally gets in the way here. I want, nay need, to have mammoths brought back. And then I’m going to ride one.
In fact, if they become commercially available, I’m getting one. Then I’m putting a bumper sticker on my Hyundai that says “My other car is a MAMMOTH”.
Also: armored howda = war mammoth.
I’m on board with the moral outrage re: Neanderthals, etc. But let’s not get hasty on this mammoth thing. The future already doesn’t have flying cars. Are you really going to take away my mammoths, too? Have a heart!
Also, I’ll train my mammoth to slay heretics. There’s a car with an Obama sticker at my parish… a little green VW… that thing is totally mammoth fodder. This is gonna be great!
Cue unfrozen caveman lawyer jokes
Wow.. you could make a movie or three about this sort of thing… Oh, wait.
To quote Jeff Goldblum from Jurassic Park: “You scientists were so busy trying to figure out if the could do something they never stopped to wonder if they should.”
I’m sorry, my fascination with elephants just totally gets in the way here. I want, nay need, to have mammoths brought back. And then I’m going to ride one.
In fact, if they become commercially available, I’m getting one. Then I’m putting a bumper sticker on my Hyundai that says “My other car is a MAMMOTH”.
Also: armored howda = war mammoth.
I’m on board with the moral outrage re: Neanderthals, etc. But let’s not get hasty on this mammoth thing. The future already doesn’t have flying cars. Are you really going to take away my mammoths, too? Have a heart!
Also, I’ll train my mammoth to slay heretics. There’s a car with an Obama sticker at my parish… a little green VW… that thing is totally mammoth fodder. This is gonna be great!