Via Diogenes
Anglican Bishop Anthony Provenzano of Long Island has engaged the Catholic Church in respectful dialogue:
At the heart of all of this is the reality that the Roman Church is willing to welcome angry, reactionary, misogynistic, homophobic people.
Well in that case the he really should be happier that the Anglicans got rid of so many “angry, reactionary, misogynistic, homophobic people.” In fact the Catholic Church is now just like the lettering on the Statue of liberty kind of, “Give us your angry, reactionary, misogynistic, homophobic people. Your huddled masses yearning to have their liberties curtailed under a dogmatic male hierarchy.”
“At the heart of all of this is the reality that the Roman Church is willing to welcome angry, reactionary, misogynistic, homophobic people.”
And then we have:
“Levi gave a great banquet for him (for Jesus) in his house, and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were at table with them.
“The Pharisees and their scribes complained to his disciples, saying, “Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?”
“Jesus said to them in reply, ‘Those who are healthy do not need a physician, but the sick do.
“I have not come to call the righteous to repentance but sinners.'” (Luke 5:29-32)
What better place for “angry, reactionary, misogynistic, homophobic” people to come and be ministered to, to find help, experience growth and healing . . . than Christ’s own Church?
What else is Church for? Except that sinners may find salvation?
Well, I’m glad Bishop Provenzano is giving us wayward Romans an example of how not to be angry, reactionary, or intolerant. I had a totally different understanding of those words before.
Contrast Provenzano with the RC Bishop Thomas Tobin of Providence, who upbraided Rep Patrick Kennedy for obfuscating the realities of the Health Care proposals in his criticism of the Catholic Bishops’ stand against them.
No wonder the Anglican bishop is annoyed. (hehe)
“Any heterosexual bachelor Anglican priests would really have to think long and hard. I bet you don’t even get one of those.”
I can’t say that I’ve ever met a man matching that description.
How much attention should we give to the attention starved, i.e., yet another misguided adult behaving like a petulant child? Assign Mr. Provenzano lines – “I will not open my mouth until I learn to stop speaking like an idiot. I will not open my mouth until I learn to stop speaking like an idiot. … .” And while we’re at it, the member of the Camelot clan should be instructed to do likewise.
I can’t really see where it’s going–big conversions or just the usual trickle. Leaving aside the supposed “largely closeted, Gay clergy” (which is at best detraction, at worst calumny, and a venomous red herring in any case) it is a good point in that those who would have jumped ship have already done so. On the other hand, there is only so much tossing on sea of doctrinal chaos that one can take.
So the Anglicans are going to send us some folks who militantly oppose State Atheism, Marxo-Feminism and sodomy?
Cool. We could use some more blokes like that.
Well if tolerant enlightened welcoming Anglican bishops were to describe me as angry, reactionary, misogynistic, homophobic people, maybe I’d want to become Catholic as well. Oh wait, I already am. Never mind.
Stay classy, Bp. Provenzano!
Does this mean that the Anglicans have managed to retain anti-traditional, anti-biblical hate-mongers? If so, the bishop will fit right in.
Oh, and retaining several thousand years of morality isn’t “reactionary,” setting yourself against it by embracing the amoral fads of the herd is.
What happened to the much-vaunted “transparency” of the Left?
Am I the only one who knows “Bishop” Provenzano’s biography?
Larry was ordained as a Roman Catholic priest and was a member of the Franciscan Order. He left the Roman Catholic priesthood to marry.
The notoriously anti-Catholic Episcopal Bishop of Rhode Island, George Hunt, happily took him (and several other ex-Catholic priests in), largely in retaliation for the fact that two of the founding priests of the Vatican’s Pastoral Provision in the United States had “defected” from HIS Episcopal Diocese!
One of them is the very fine pastor of Our Lady of the Atonement Roman Catholic-Anglican Use Church in San Antonio, Texas.
I’m emailing the Episcopal Diocese of Long Island this morning to ask their “Canon for Communications” to suggest that, whenever he is bashing the Roman Catholic Church, “Bishop” Provenzano begin his rant with the disclaimed, “In the interest of full disclosure, I left the Roman Catholic priesthood and Church and became an Episcopalian because I broke my vow of celibacy and married.”
No biggie, Larry.
Just honest! Transparent!