Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann writes a thoughtful column on the appointment of Gov. Sebeilus as Secretary of HHS. He goes through his concerns about her record and what this will mean for the country and for her soul. After he goes through the history he writes this:
I am also concerned personally for Governor Sebelius. Her appointment as Secretary for HHS places her in a position where she will have to make many decisions that will in all probability continue her personal involvement in promoting legalized abortion and her cooperation in this intrinsic evil.
I am also concerned that the appointment of Governor Sebelius places another Catholic supporting legalized abortion in a prominent national position. She joins Vice-President Joe Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and unfortunately a host of Catholic Senators and members of the House of Representatives who support legalized abortion contrary to the clear and consistent teaching of their Church. It saddens me that so many Catholics, to gain political advancement, have chosen to compromise their Catholic faith by their failure to defend the most fundamental of all human rights – the right to life.
I am reminded of the powerful scene in A Man for All Seasons, the play about the heroic Catholic English Martyr, St. Thomas More. After Richard Rich has perjured himself in order to make it possible to convict Thomas More of treason, the Judge asks Thomas More if he has any questions for the witness. Thomas More notes that Richard Rich is wearing a chain of office and asks what it signifies. He is told that Richard Rich has been appointed Attorney General for Wales. Thomas More then paraphrases the Gospel saying to Richard Rich: “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul, but for Wales?”
We need to pray for all Catholics who serve in public life that they will have the courage and integrity to be true to the teachings and principles of our Faith no matter the political consequences.
Valerie Schmalz at OSV Daily Take also interviews the bishop about this.
It occurs to me that there may be an element of intentionality in President Obama’s penchant for appointing dissident Catholics to prominent cabinet positions.
It’s like a kind of false magisterium.
Ah, gotta like it when someone quotes St. Thomas More!
The appointment of pro-abortion Catholics is completely on purpose by the administration. A deliberate slap in the face.
It is not a cause for celebration when a person who calls themself a “catholic” informs you of their “discomfort” with your trying to live according to your “catholic” faith and it might put your livlihood in danger, upon which numerous others depend, in some manner, for survival.
This is the milieu of the day. All clarity has been lost. And, I am not convinced that this person who is “discomforted” is of other than good will. Although our personalities are quite different, I respect this person, but the issue is not broachable. It is closed to this person.
On top of this when one is isolated from the Church, as in my case, it is only upon Christ we can rest our burdens, but this, too, is dubious because of the pervasive lack of certainty, everywhere, and the mixed words of even those we can “trust”. When clergy at all levels have turned on us as they openly support evil and refuse to see it or to even want to try to understand how their actions do harm and our bishops are no different, even supporting the same evils, we are in deep trouble.
God bless you Saint Thomas More. Pray for us.
It is a very interesting time for a former Catholic, who tries to live as one.
As Bishop Naumann stated,
“We need to pray for all Catholics who serve in public life that they will have the courage and integrity to be true to the teachings and principles of our Faith no matter the political consequences.”
The same holds for our clergy, including bishops who need to remember, as they have universally forgotten, that abortion is not the only issue. It is ONE issue. I wonder if the esteemed bishop even listens to his own words. This is not an attack, just a thought.
He/They must speak AND ACT on other issues or his/their words ring false and empty and as such do more harm than good.
God bless Archbishop Naumann.
And so he’ll begin enforcing Canon 915 when?
Our good bishop was reamed in the press last year when he publicly told Sebelius not to present herself for Holy Communion. If you read his full column, he refers to this.
God bless!
Dear Laura, Your good Bishop has spoken well and stood up strong. Was proud of his clear and solid teaching. And, am sure, the Good Lord appreciates the suffering he endured for speaking the truth in trying to turn a sinner from their ways.
BUT, for the good of the Govs soul, to prevent Sacrilege, to avoid giving scandal…when the Gov who was told NOT to receive Holy Communion, then the minister MUST refuse.
Sebelius is definitely a “manifest grave sinner.”
She has rec’d due warning from the loving teaching of your Bishop. With a little more love perhaps he could find it in his heart to do what Canon 915 states. Laura, I do appreciate your Bishop’s stance…but words begin to ring hallow when the proper action is not taken. Please remember, this Church law was not pulled out of thin air. Even w/o this law our Faith and simple piety tells us what must be done. Abortion=mass murder. Holy Eucharist=Jesus, the Lord of Life. If she can’t refrain from presenting herself for Holy Communion, charity and justice demand she be refused.
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