Sometime you just got to let a story breath first before commenting.
A new and intriguing prospect for the Crystal Cathedral emerged Wednesday when the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange said it was considering buying the bankrupt church in Garden Grove and converting it to a Catholic cathedral.
The announcement by Orange Bishop Tod Brown came one day after Chapman University made a $46-million bid for the 40-acre site. The Crystal Cathedral had earlier reached a tentative agreement for a sale and lease-back deal with a real estate developer, subject to approval by U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge Robert Kwan. [Source]
Obviously Bishop Tod Brown in his last year as bishop has wondered just what he could get for the incoming bishop. Though I can imagine the incoming bishop saying “Thank you, but you shouldn’t have. I mean you really shouldn’t have” I guess Bishop Brown was just having crystal envy from Oakland’s Cathedral. Though pursuing Robert Shuller sounds more like an idea conceived using crystal meth.
The Cathedral of Christ the Light come under the direction of Bishop John Cummins and dedicated under Bishop Vigneron and I really feel for Bishop Salvatore J. Cordileone who is stuck with it today.
Though I guess there is an upside if the they acquire the Crystal Cathedral. There could advertise hour blocks of Eucharistic Adoration as the “Hour of Power” – well maybe not. It does though have one of the largest piper organs in the world – which I am sure the bishop would strip out and replace with a piano.
I have it on good authority that the Crystal Cathedral is not the only building they are pursuing to use as a Cathedral. In fact I hear there are talks with Superman to acquire the Fortress of Solitude if it happens to be within the geographical bounds of the Diocese of Orange California.
Oh well, as a palette cleanser look at the propose new Cathedral of Pristina – now that is more like it.
Don’t know what the CC is like on the inside, but they could do worse. I mean, look – the Diocese of LA started from bare ground and look what they came up with! It is Kaleefornica, remember. At least this one sort of looks like a church. Kind of. In dim light.
Please pray for the diocese of Orange. This past Sunday, one of the petitions in the Prayers of the Faithful was something about the purchase of the Crystal Monstros… er Cathedral. I didn’t catch the exact words, but I assume it was a prayer for guidance/discernment. Spare us, O Lord.
Too bad it can’t be made into a greenhouse, hey for the Church of Gaia!
You know, I think the Fortress of Solitude would make a great monastery-LOL!
Great one!
Pane / panis!