Greg and Jennifer Willits of The Catholic Channel’s show “The Catholic’s Next Door” interviewed Professor Scott Appleby of the University of Notre Dame. It was not an official response by the administration of Notre Dame, though no doubt his reasoning followed closely what the defenders of this decision generally beleive.
One of the things the professor mentioned is that a straw poll before the election showed the majority of the student body support then-Sen. Obama. I was wondering why he brought this up since it seems to me that this should be something the university should be rather ashamed about. While the university is made up of people other than Catholics, murdering the innocent is something everybody can come to know it wrong via the Natural Law. A Catholic university that can’t even impart the Culture of Life to their own students is failing on some fundamental levels. Though no doubt many of these students voted for Obama for reasons other than abortion.
It seems to me that these Obama supporting students have made the exact same flaw as the administration. They voted for him largely despite the fact that he was the most radical abortion supporting candidate for the presidency and Fr. Jenkins selected him despite the very same fact. The idea is that just as long as your selection is based on another criteria then it makes the selection perfectly fine.
One of the prevalent pieces of defense of this has been to “reach out” to the President. To open up lines of communication and to dialogue and to create “teaching moment” as the Head of Holy Cross order said. I think it is a bit silly to consider that the President flying in giving a speech and receiving a law degree and then flying out could do any such thing. It reminds me more of appeasement than anything. I just wonder by these arguments exactly what is beyond the pale? If you can support murdering the innocent and experimenting on them then I guess a President could do anything and could still be invited. This President has not exactly been someone reaching out to Catholics (unless they were pro-abortion) and has continuously ignored and slapped the face of faithful Catholics by his actions and nominations. When you ignore the evil somebody is doing you are not helping them. I guess John the Baptist should have reached out to Herod and invited him to speak by the Jordan River instead of rebuking his irregular marriage. St. Thomas More should have created a teaching moment by signing the document and hoping his capitulation would lead to lines of communication.
Professor Appleby got a bit perturbed by Greg’s questions and wanted a yes or no answer to whether it was a reasonable interpretation to think that Notre Dame was honoring the President for his support of abortion. Greg didn’t really want to give a yes/no answer since this really wasn’t the right question. What the invite does is present a relativistic view in regards to abortion and minimizes the evil of it. This is certainly how the majority of pro-lifers see this. The professor though did understand why people were troubled by the honorary law degree given to someone who supports Roe V. Wade. If the President was just invited to speak the case could have been made (wrongly I think) about opening lines of communication, but the honorary law degree really sticks in the craw of those who want to protect life.
When you have 2 cardinasl, your diocesan bishop, and a number of other bishops speak out that you messed up – you probably messed up. Though no doubt we will continue to have a Kmiecation of them trying to justify a bad decision. Cardinal George today called it an “Extreme embarrassment” to Catholics.
I think that the possibility of this moment not being something great for Obama is primarily because no one believes that Jesus is the Lord of everything. No one really believes in the Christian event, that it happens, through the gaze of one who looks at us with love. We think it’s about moral rectitude, right reason, natural law, and correct doctrine.
We don’t think Christianity is about meeting a man who looks at us and tells us everything we’ve ever done. We don’t believe in the one who finds us sitting under a fig tree and calls us guileless. We don’t believe it’s possible that this happens anymore. Oh sure for those apostles back then, yeah, but for us it’s different. Christ doesn’t happen like that now. He’s just all about convincing and political posturing and, oh yeah, being right about (name your evil of choice here).
Or is that you don’t think he’ll meet any Christians at Notre Dame? It seems to me it’s one or the other.
We have changed the method of Christianity, but we keep calling ourselves Christians. That’s why Our Lady is crying.
I am somewhat struck by the clarity of the protest on the part of the hierarchy. Many bishops and cardinals are saying in no uncertain terms: Obama is bad news. And they are right to do so. However, where was the clarity, prior to the election? The bishops’ voters’ guide, drawn up by lay people, was, as a method of mass communication, too vague. One of the first responsibilities of the bishops is to teach. It is the responsibility of the teacher to be clear. Sadly, I know too many pious Catholic friends who felt justified in voting for Obama due to vague cant about poverty, social justice, etc.
I am somewhat struck by the clarity of the protest on the part of the hierarchy. Many bishops and cardinals are saying in no uncertain terms: Obama is bad news. And they are right to do so. However, where was the clarity, prior to the election? The bishops’ voters’ guide, drawn up by lay people, was, as a method of mass communication, too vague. One of the first responsibilities of the bishops is to teach. It is the responsibility of the teacher to be clear. Sadly, I know too many pious Catholic friends who felt justified in voting for Obama due to vague cant about poverty, social justice, etc.
Dang. I hate it when that happens.
No worries, Kate. It was worth reading twice.
I’m not really sure why Kate is so concerned about our Bishops’ voice in regards to Obama’s election. If this election proved anything, it was the impotency of the Bishops. If they have any influence regarding the vote of their flocks, few took advanage of it with confidence.
At a post-abortion healing retreat, one of the participants told me…
“I thought we lived in a Christian nation. I thought that if we had a law, it would be coming from a Christian way of thinking. I couldn’t figure out why I felt so bad (following the abortion). If we are Christian, why are we allowing the killing of own children, as if, you know, it’s ok? I never would’ve had an abortion if I had been told it was wrong…I try hard to follow laws and rules. I had to find out the hard way that abortion is a dead end. In more ways than one.
Inviting the most pro-abortion president to Notre Dame is a slap in the face to anyone who has ever been on the participating side of abortion.
Get a clue…if it’s legal in this country and there is big money behind it, it would be a good idea to question the morality of it.
This President has not exactly been someone reaching out to Catholics (unless they were pro-abortion)…
I would say this President has been reaching out to exactly those pro-life Catholics for whom being reached out to covers a multitude of sinful policies.
Which is exactly why I never listen to a Catholic. Their views on abortion are extreme and incorrect. As a consequence, they have nothing worthwhile to say or contribute to civil discussion on ANY topic.
Aaron – The truth does seem extreme to those who dont accept it.
As for the Bishop’s clarity during the election – from what I understand – the tax except status regulates to actual endorsement of one candidate over another. What the Bishops were doing was to try and educate as to what a properly formed conscience is. From there, to be able to make decisions. Weighing moral issues is the key to respect for one another, each and everyone of us,born and yet to be born. And from that understanding the Truth is seen, understood, and accepted.
I had finally decided that that’s (abortion catholicism) way above my pay grade.
But give him time. “The Won” will bring hope and change to all 57 states and we all will be in the penury/serfdom hurt locker together.
That’s just fine with majority ND students and hierarchy!
Which is exactly why I never listen to a Jew. Their views on Palestinians are extreme and incorrect. As a consequence, they have nothing worthwhile to say or contribute to civil discussion on ANY topic.
Good on you, Aaron.