Via The Catholic Key an interview with ith Archbishop Raymond Burke from Catholic Action for Faith and Family.
What is your opinion of her appointment to this influential position?
Her appointment saddens me on several scores. First of all, it is sad for our nation to have a person who favors the right to kill the unborn in the womb placed in charge of the federal office with responsibility for health and human services. No matter how good Governor Sebelius’ record regarding other human life concerns may be, if she is not committed to the safeguarding of human life from its very inception, she should not be entrusted with the questions of health and human services for our nation.
As a Roman Catholic, her appointment is the source of the greatest embarrassment because she has publicly and repeatedly betrayed her Catholic faith, in the most fundamental tenet in the most fundamental tenet of the moral law, that is, the law to safeguard and foster human life from the moment of its inception to the moment of natural death. What is more, she has obstinately remained in her moral error after being admonished by, at least, three of her Bishops, including her present Bishop, Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City in Kansas. Her position on the question of procured abortion is the source of the greatest scandal to Catholics and to all who uphold the natural moral law.
And on Archbishop Naumann’s approach to Sebelius:
Under these circumstances was he justified in asking her to refrain from receiving Holy Communion and do you believe this was a pastoral approach?
Not only was Archbishop Naumann justified, he was fulfilling one of his most solemn duties as a pastor, namely, the care of the Most Blessed Sacrament and of the worthy reception of Holy Communion. As I mentioned above, his action, in my judgment, could not have been more pastorally correct. He has spoken the truth with love. More than that cannot be asked of any shepherd of the flock.
In other pro-murder Catholic politician news:
This morning, I had the great honor of joining President Obama as he lifted the executive ban on federal funding for stem cell research.
Today’s ceremony at the White House was more than eight years in the making. With one stroke of his pen, President Obama has given hope and potentially health to millions of Americans.
The President’s courageous action today has also restored science to its rightful place in our national debates and will ensure that America remains a world leader in innovation, discovery, and growth.
As one of our dedicated grassroots supporters, today’s victory is your victory.
Great honor for this “devout” Catholic.
With one stroke of his pen, President Obama has given hope and potentially health to millions of Americans.
Hope and potentially health to some millions, certain death to millions of others.
“With one stroke of his pen, President Obama has given hope and potentially health to millions of Americans.”
My mom has MS and always tells politicians and others that if they support ESCR they are sentencing her to death. Adult stem cells are, so far, the only type that have shown any promise and they have shown a LOT. So even those who don’t care about pre-born human life should be against ESCR merely on a practical level. Ending federal funding for ASCR and replacing it with ESCR (which Obama did with this order) will be a death sentence not only for all the babies who will be killed as a result, but also for many people whose lives depend on the ASCR that was being funded until now.
With one stroke of the pen, Obama signed his own spiritual death sentence. God have mercy on his soul. Like the rich man crying out to Lazarus to ease his pain, Obama will be crying out to these dismembered saints to ease the pain of his eternal suffering.
“I had the great honor of joining President Obama as he lifted the executive ban on federal funding for stem cell research.”
Wow that’s about as bad as it can get.
… P.S. Your greek captcha really scared me haha 🙂
Whatever happend to excommunications? These disgusting apes that surround the Obama are in no way behaving like Cathoilcs.
Let them be anathema. Publicly proclaim their excommunication to protect the rest of the flock.
Where’s the church here. Where’s the outpouring of angry priests in their homilies each Sunday? Where are the headlines: No Communion and We Mean It!!! This evil continues when good men say nothing, do nothing, act nothing. Where are the Jews? The Mormons? The Protestants? Probably waiting for some great movement by the Catholics…….and as long as priests keep giving these ‘devout’ Catholics Communion and saying little ‘en masse’ , we are pretty much standing by while evil prevails.
Ironically, enough, commenting not working on the “Google” post.