Humor Our Lady of Good Humor by Jeffrey Miller May 10, 2008 written by Jeffrey Miller May 10, 2008 Wow I need this Holy Card. 3 comments 0 FacebookTwitterGoogle +Pinterest Jeffrey Miller previous post Here and There next post Parody all around You may also like Oh the horror February 1, 2005 Archbishop George Lucas June 3, 2009 Grant that I may not so much seek May 27, 2005 A prayer for a Senate Majority Leader December 20, 2002 Blues Brothers 2005 July 28, 2005 Gnostic Travel Agency September 11, 2004 Caged Baby Jesus December 6, 2018 The Confectionery Mysteries October 29, 2003 Confessional Competition October 11, 2006 You know your a Catholic Nerd if February 22, 2003 3 comments Bill B (AKA Theocoid) May 10, 2008 - 2:40 pm I was expectingsomething with an ice-cream theme. Bill B (AKA Theocoid) May 10, 2008 - 2:41 pm I was expecting something with an ice-cream theme. Panda Rosa May 10, 2008 - 8:31 pm Me too! The Holy Baby in the clown costume is a nice touch. Comments are closed.
I was expectingsomething with an ice-cream theme.
I was expecting something with an ice-cream theme.
Me too! The Holy Baby in the clown costume is a nice touch.
Comments are closed.