40 Days For Life – This is a highly effective program that has been used throughout the country to reduce abortions in those communities.
The new edition of Dappled Things is now online. I always enjoy each issue and this one includes features by Peter Kreeft and Fr. Neuhaus. You can also order print editions now.
Summer Reading Program – Aquinas and More, in conjunction with Loyola Press and Ignatius Press, is launching a summer reading program for Catholics. We would love for you to help spread the word and to participate in the discussion.
The 126th Catholic Carnival is here.
Ignatius Insight has a very worthwhile video of Fr. Fessio, S.J. discussing Pope Benedict XVI and the "Old Mass."
Nice! I’m glad to see some of my favorite writers appear in Dappled Things. Fr. Neuhaus always has great things to say, and he doesn’t disappoint here. But I actually wanted to direct your attention to another piece: a short story called “Happy Hills.” It’s an “abortion story” like none I’ve seen before. I’m glad to see there is someone to publish this type of material. It’s a clever satire that skewers modern attitudes towards children, women, and love. Have you read it yet, Jeff?
Thanks for the info, Jeff.
Thanks Jeff. I just forwarded the 40 Days address to lots of people. For the impatient and the discouraged among us, 40 days is sounding pretty good!