Dawn Eden has a YouTube video from Planned Parenthood using guardian angels to encourage wearing condoms and saying "Safe is Sexy." The Guardian Angel of safe sex along who lustily watches with another angel sit on a bed headboard while a couple starts to have sex. Besides the Christian bashing and the soft pornography of the commercial it is really not surprising. They have choice on Earth cards at Christmas, have enlisted clergy to spread the message since the days of Margaret Sanger’s, so using guardian angels to hock condoms is a natural progression
Interesting that they went with two angels and not the classic devil and angel combination used since classic cartoons. Though two devils would have been more fitting. I guess they wanted no downside.
Here is part of Planned Parenthood Golden Gate’s press release that Dawn posts.
"I love the fact that this ad challenges popular conceptions of religion and sexuality," said Lisa Sargent, Chaplain at Planned Parenthood Golden Gate. "I think it will really break through the clutter and get people thinking about sexual responsibility as part of their larger value system, which may be religiously influenced."
So a lusty snack-eating condom promoting angel "challenges popular conceptions of religion and sexuality?" Do they really believe such nonsense that idiotic propaganda challenges anything? That sex outside of marriage becomes wonderfully transformed by latex? That the larger value system means avoiding both children and STDs.
Dawn also goes on to make other great points.
Catholic League president Bill Donohue commented on this ad, and a bill that Planned Parenthood is opposing, today:
“Given the moral hollowness of Planned Parenthood, it is not surprising to learn that it is now in the business of hijacking religious imagery to pander its sex-without-consequences message. But as with PETA before it, the anti-natal salesmen will find that the faithful will tune them out.
“Ironically, while PPGG is ripping off Guardian Angels, the California chapter of Planned Parenthood is lobbying to defeat the ‘Missing Angels Act.’ This bill, which is being pushed by women who have experienced stillbirth, would require a certificate of birth when this occurs. Currently, all states are required to issue a death certificate for a stillbirth; they also require the family to bury or cremate the baby. But as Joanne Cacciatore, who heads the Missing Angels Foundation, has said, ‘How in the world do states ethically justify telling someone they have to bury someone who they are not willing to say existed?’ What really galls Planned Parenthood is the fear that the bill would help the pro-life movement by acknowledging the humanity of the unborn child; the bill says the fetus must have advanced beyond the 20th week of gestation.
“It looks like the only kinds of angels Planned Parenthood wants to affirm are those that service its deadly agenda. Planned Parenthood is to religion what matricide is to Mother’s Day.”
I remember reading about a pro-abortion group using a picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe on the front of their pro-abortion ‘prayer card’…disgusting.
From Canto IX of Dante’s Inferno:
“Abandon all hope ye who enter here.”-part of the inscription on the signpost at the Golden Gate of Hell.
Narratives about the commercial can’t convey how sick it really is.
(Qualifier: I didn’t see the ad, only read about its contents here.) I think it *does* challenge popular conceptions of religion and sexuality. Images, remember, are very powerful. Inasmuch as angels are understood as helpers toward the good, PP’s use of angels to condone behavior that’s not good is quite a challenge to popular conceptions of religion. And if the angels are portrayed as rather human and not-so-very majestic — that’s another challenge (‘Hmm, maybe angels aren’t very powerful after all — they’re just as prone to sloppiness as humans!’).
I think it also challenges popular conceptions of sexuality. The widespread notion is that if you’re unmarried and sleeping with someone, no one is there, and no one has to know about it except the two humans. Except — ! as one of my high school teachers (Christian school) used to tell us, “Thou God ever seest me.” There is some manifestation of God present to every situation. This ad has taken that truth and twisted it. Granted, God does not sit by benignly (nor would His angels) when His children engage in what will harm them, but He is present, and that is something I doubt is known/remembered among those who sleep together illicitly.
There is a Planned Parenthood in Texas that has a mural of Our Lady of Guadalupe painted on their inside wall.
That’s going to backfire on them. Letting Our Lady in there probably has the Devil gnashing his teeth in anger. I’d expect conversions from her presence, either from staff or women who go there.
Is this serious? If so, it’s bad enough in itself, but it will be especially maddening to the Gabriel Project, our Catholic outreach to women in crisis pregnancies.
At least the awful feminist slogan “Keep your rosaries off our ovaries” advertised the anti-Catholicism of the movement.
sunt lacrimae rerum ..
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