I am not really surprised to find that Kathy Shaidle and Our Sunday Visitor were not quite a match, but the benefit for us is that we get to now read the column she wrote for OSV that they wouldn’t print on the non-coincidence of Lenin’s Birthday and Earth Day an how environmentalism has become a substitute religion.
I remember as a young atheist the first Earth Day and see now how ecology was my religion and recycling a major sacrament. I remember watching PBS on that first high holy day for environmentalists and dutifully watching a program that contained a cartoon of the whole earth being covered with cement. I remember now with embarrassment the conversations we had as kids in the neighborhood decrying the population boom and the eminent destruction of the earth. Our worries about the coming ice age and the forming of a neighborhood environmentalist group that would impose fines on other kids for littering.
They also conveniently forget that killer Ira Einhorn was one of the founders of “Earth day”.
the forming of a neighborhood environmentalist group that would impose fines on other kids for littering
Did this work out? I’d actually be in favour of this. Of course, kids may not have money, but I’d just love to fine some of my adult neighbours for leaving trash all over the place.
Oh dear Lord, not again… exactly which bit of “No women priests” does she not understand?
Well, that was a misplaced comment if I ever saw one n.n
As for this whole OSV business…I have no doubt about Kathy’s devotion, but sometimes I wonder whether she’s being quite as charitable as she ought to be. There’s nothing wrong with being fortright and honest, but the general tonality of some of her posts just doesn’t fly with me. Sometimes she just strikes me as…too sardonic.
She’s still a good read, though, don’t get me wrong. But I’d like to be able to read her posts without having to squirm every now and then.
Or maybe I’m just a pansy like that. Who knows?
Actually…I took a few minutes to think about my previous comment, and I find it highly ironic that, in calling on Kathy as not being as charitable as I’d like, I myself wasn’t being very charitable. Unfortunately, I can’t delete my comments.
I guess this has much more to do with my personal quirks rather than the actual content of her material, which is often instructive and edifying in the hit-to-the-head-obvious sort of way. I’m still not entirely comfortable with her style, but looking back at Jeff’s link to her post about the “Disneyfying of Grief”, I can’t say that it doesn’t have it’s good points.
So…I suppose an apology in is order, to her and for wasting the reader’s time with my prattle.
My knowledge of patron saints is poor, but perhaps someone can say a prayer for me to the patron saint of talkative people.
If you read Eileen R’s bizarre non sequitor comment about “women priests” (???) it will go a long way in helping to explain why my tone is reflexively sardonic. Try to imagine a lifetime of Eileen Rs…
She also helps explain why my blog doesn’t allow comments.
And why I don’t think most women should be allowed to vote…
“the liniment destruction of the earth”
Were they destroying it with mineral oil? Sorry, Jeff, couldn’t resist.
Well Juan, I have no such qualms about criticizing Kathy Shaidle. If Kathy actually stopped thinking about her next barb long enough to process what other folks are saying, she might a. realize that Eileen mistakenly replied to a different post about the Kansas City Star column about women’s ordination and b. that Eileen is a highly reasonable orthodox Catholic likely in agreement with Shaidle’s general positions about Church teaching (based on my cursory memory of her various blog posts).
I am not surprised that Shaidle and OSV have parted ways, or that she doesn’t allow comments on her blog. That would require Shaidle to exercise a modicum of depth and self-reflection, neither of which she seems particularly good at. Check out her recent blog posts on how those preparing to grieve after the VT massacre weren’t expected to meet her standards, and how furthermore the victims weren’t tough enough to fight back against the a heavily armed surprise attack.
Yep, let’s all just purchase and dispose of as much plastic as possible and teach our kids to do the same. Recycle? Hell no!
Also, for the record, it was Mac McLernon (presumably male) who made the misplaced remark about women priests. Eileen R is completely innocent, and Kathy herself made a mistake in criticizing her!