SANTA CRUZ, California, January 25, 2007 ( – The City Council of Santa Cruz wants the city to be know as a pro-abortion center, passing a resolution earlier this week to join the Pro-Choice City Campaign, Focus on the Family’s CitizenLink reported yesterday.
In a 5-2 vote, the council adopted the “pro-choice” title Tuesday, aligning the once-Catholic city with a network of US cities dedicated to abortion activism under the banner of “reproductive health choices.”
Council member Ryan Coonerty, who supported the measure, said the council had to take a stand in response to the growing anti-abortion challenge in the country.
“I’d be happy if the council didn’t have to take these positions,” he said. “But the right to choose is being challenged in the U.S. Supreme Court, and it’s a politicized issue.”
The resolution was proposed by Santa Cruz mayor Emily Reilly and council members Mike Rotkin and Cynthia Mathews, who founded the local branch of Planned Parenthood, the Santa Cruz Sentinel reported.
Two women on the council voted against the proposal. Lynn Robinson said she didn’t support city council’s involvement in the issue.
What a shame for a city named after the Holy Cross to declare itself this way. Though I doubt if its new affiliation will make its way into tourism literature. Maybe they can add a scalpel and a vacuum aspirator to the city’s seal.
They can replace the Cross on it…if it still has one.
They can call it what they want. Thirty years from now, there won’t be anymore 1-child policy families left.
I’d like to know which other cities are in this “network” so I can make it a point to never visit them.
Apparently, Santa Cruz is only the third “Pro-Choice City.” This is a California thing – there’s a big surprise. West Hollywood was the first, and I’m still trying to find out who was #2.
None of it will matter. The arguement against Roe vs. Wade is strong morally and legally. With Jane Roe the woman represented in the 1973 Supreme Court decision now a Catholic, these pro-murder folks don’t have a leg to stand on.
does the baby get a choice?
I think I figured out the pro-choice logic.
The embryo or fetal material isn’t human, and neither are the beings intent on choosing its destruction. To clamor for the right to indulge in lust without consequences, to refuse one’s one dignity; is to deny your own humanity.
The “pro-choice” movement is only about the Nietzchian choice, not about being human. That is, being human means seeing the utter discord of body and soul and knowing deep within oneself that this isn’t right, it isn’t supposed to be this way. To glory in this discord, to worship the body’s itches and desires is to accept a sub-human standard of life, beauty, and ethics.
The poorly named Planned Parenthood isn’t about parents. Parenting is a laborious, life long labor of love, blood, and tears. Planned Parenthood and all their ilk are about license and the destruction of any indication that license is different than freedom.
In the darkest night, amidst the mockeries at the foot of the Cross, the dawn is arriving. Jesus Died on the Cross and the Cross was the first image to be converted to God’s glory. Santa Cruz can run from their name, deny the Cross, but Good Friday will have its Easter Sunday.
M-J said it much more eloquently than I could have. {applause]
Beautiful post, Matthew-John.
Is anyone else besides me sick to death of people saying that opposing abortion, gay unions, etc. is “politizing” an issue. Why don’t they just call it “moralizing” like they used to? 😉
I think that the reason that most Americans have become more centrist in their thinking about issues such as abortion, gays, stem-cell research, etc. is that they are applying something that extremists don’t possess: logic.
When the average American sees someone on a soapbox shouting about the sanctity of human life while at the same time glancing down at their shoes or mumbling quietly to themselves when the topic of our boys being sent to Iraq comes up–then they have just exposed themselves as being supremely hypocritial.
It doesn’t matter if your a bishop or someone on a street corner–if you turn a blind eye to the soul of a 20-year old slaughtered in Iraq while whining about a fetus–then you are not worth listening to.
Personally, I think that most of these commentators on these religious blogs are GOP operatives. Is there anything more corrupt than the GOP political machine or more shallow than a white christian who believes in their lies?
The good news is that mosts Americans finally have come to grips with the fact that the GOP does nothing BUT lie and can’t be trusted; and only the stupid people in this country think that’s ever going to change.
Who would GOD vote for? Spare me.
Who would GOD vote for? Spare me.
First of all, the question is moot. When God says something will happen, it does. His “vote” trumps any of ours because Christ is King, not President, representative, Republican or Democrat. Christ is King; nothing was made without him that was made.
Secondly, whether the war is just or not is an issue good Americans of all political parties disagree on. What cannot be argued is that the child in the womb is utterly, entirely innocent, and is deserving of all legal protection against the strong and the arrogant.
The only way you can disagree with that is to invalidate their humanity and say they are people. But since there is no “bright line” between stages of human developement, either in or out of the womb, the only honest conclusion you can make is that you or I aren’t people either. The only difference between the unborn child we “whine” about those soldiers is whether they are in or out of the womb.
If, as you apparently believe (unless you’re using the soldiers in Iraq as a rhethorical bludgeon) you believe the soldiers are in harm’s way unjustly and don’t deserve to die in Iraq, how can you shut out the pre-born who don’t deserve to be butchered, period?
In reference to last comment.
When I said “invalidate their humanity and say they are people.” I meant to say “aren’t”.
Sorry about that.
Hmmm… let’s see – brave American men and women choosing to put themselves in harm’s way to defend and protect their country, and the most innocent of human beings – babies – being slaughtered , usually with the consent of their own mothers – can anyone see the difference here?
The right to life of the most vulnerable is essential to every other right. If you want us to focus more on other issues, promote the primary right first. Once that is resolved, we’ll have more time and attention for the rest. If the right to be born doesn’t exist, all other rights won’t matter in the near future.
I’m not playing games with my vote any more. I refuse to vote for less than a pro-life candidate at any level, ever again. (so what if school committee candidates and treasurers wonder why i’m asking where they stand on LIFE?)God doesn’t care if i vote against my political party. But He will care if I stand by silently while His babies are slaughtered. Babies’ lives are not negotiable.
I think I was misunderstood. The right to life is the primary issue. Anything else is unimportant, and if society doesn’t defend the rights of the unborn from the strong and arrogant, we really don’t have any rights.
I’m sorry if it came across some other way. I was quoting the previous respondant who had the different opinion, and was, I’m afraid, too clever by half and too careless by three-quarters.
Oops. Sorry, Steven. I reacted first, then had to scroll up to see whose post I was reacting to. I probably landed on the wrong one.
How do we write a letter supporting Santa Cruz pro-life?