Via Deal W. Hudson.
On last night’s O’Reilly Factor, a young girl named "Kelly" courageously recounted the real life nightmare she endured at the hands of the late-term abortionist George Tiller of Kansas. When she was 14, she got pregnant and at twenty weeks along , her parents packed her in a car and they traveled from their home state of Maryland to Kansas since Maryland does not do late term abortions. Her graphic depiction of what occurred during the five day "procedure" under Tiller’s watch and the subsequent fallout from the experience — which included promiscuity, drug use, depression, and suicidal thoughts — was bone chilling. I recommend watching the video clip of her on last night’s Factor, which is not for the feign of heart I might add (her segment appears following a brief commercial). also has a write-up on the show, if you prefer to read about it instead. This is a powerful personal testimony to the horrors of abortion and it should be replayed again and again until the barbaric practice is stopped.
Here is a transcript of the show.
There is no direct link for the video but you can go here and click on video next to the "Under Investigation" story.
I managed to get a direct link to the video on my blog (shameless promotion, I know) but, I do think that her testimony is MUCH more powerful when you see the deadpan way she delivers it, and how her eyes keep wincing at the horrific memory. I was stunned at how she kept her composure throughout the story,and afterward, rattled off a list of post traumatic symptoms worse than many a war victim.
We MUST play this video again and again until the horror stops.
promiscuity, drug use, depression, and suicidal thoughts? Wow, she’s the common teenager. Anyway, it’s probably best she’s not breeding, and before blame my atheism for that view, I felt this way even when I believed in Jesus.
Which only goes to show that you should’ve stuck with him after all, cobber.
Poor Darling Heart, she won’t get any sympathy from Hoodlum et al, but the rest of us can pray for her.
I missed the segment but saw O’Reilly read viewer comments last night. The few letters deffending Tiller are among the sickest things I have ever heard.
There are a terrific number of the walking wounded: ie, post-abortive adults, and I include men, who often push their wives and lovers into abortions, or suffer when their children are killed without their consent.
If 1/3 of all pregnancies in this country end in abortion, think that at least 25% of the people you meet suffer from post-abortion syndrome. That’s having a staggering effect on this nation.I’d be willing to wager that the hoodlum has had a brush with abortion, thus the aggression.
Is there any way to contact Kelly, the woman interviewed? I’d like to leave her a note THANKING her for her strength and courage in proclaiming the TRUTH. When O”Reily told her, “don’t beat yourself up,” I could only applaud and would like to find a way to offer her sincere gratitude and prayerful support. She is obviously still suffering greatly … and needs all the enouragment she can get!
I agree with Dale Price that this video needs to be shown over & over but my hunch is that it won’t be. Contemporary ‘culture’ doesn’t have much stomach or tolerance for reality….much prefer to live in the world of “Abortion is no big deal…go, ahead, honey & ‘take care of it’…and, then after you do, we’ll ignore you & berate you”.
Give me the Reality of the Kingdom of God anyday which calls a sin a sin to this living this lie.
Yeah, back when I was like 10, I passed out flyers in favor of the anti-abortion position regarding question 6. There is my brush with abortion, other than my fervent belief that retroactive-abortion should be legalize
Hoodlum, if “promiscuity, drug use, depression, and suicidal thoughts” are normal and commonplace, what about her makes you think that “it’s probably best she’s not breeding”?
R, here is why I support abortion.
So you don’t care about her case in particular, you just think most or all women in general should abort. Or am I misunderstanding the reason you are pointing me to that entry?
I read your blog. What you’re saying is that there are certain humans it’s okay to kill. If you don’t see that as wrong, I’m afraid there’s not a lot to be done for you.
God Bless,
Hoodlum, just hope that no one sees your life inconvenient to them and applies your life ethic to you. It is easy to be cavalier with the life of another..less so with your own. But we have been through this before: your life ethic cannot be applied evenly without serious damage…so it is merely a self-centered, self-gratifying, and self-absorbed ethic. How very sad you have so little concern for the life of others, especially the weakest and most at-risk. How very sad you are into eugenics.
Oh my goodness – that poor Hoodlum. Every time he posts he just sounds more and more pathetic.
The poor lost soul.
The ironic thing is that if he ever becomes “inconvenient” it will be the likes of us who go to bat for him. This boy has a lot of psychological issues to work out.
All I can think of is “the poor, poor kid”. It is so sad.
Keep on with the novena folks, and thank you again Miss Jean for your faith and example.
I wonder how her relationship is with her parents?! I couldn’t do that to my daughter…
I will pray for all of them tonight.
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