Barbara Kralis has more on Robert J. Smith who was fired from his job as a Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority [WMATA] Board member for in his own time speaking out against homosexuality and calling it deviant. He was fired by
Maryland Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr a Republican. We so often hear about how your private life has nothing to do with you public life, that is at least if you are not Catholic following your faith.
I am sure we will only continue to see more of these stories. Catholic Italian Minister Rocco Buttiglione was blocked from serving as a Commisioner because of his adherence to Catholic truth. Judges are ruling against Catholic pharmacists from having the right to follow their conscience when it comes to dispencing contraceptives.
Anti-Catholicism is the last acceptable bigotry.
This Metro board came out defending anti-catholic ads placed on buses, stations, and railcars four years ago. The ads, from “Catholics” for a free choice, blamed the Church and bishops for the spread of AIDS and the many deaths. They were condemned by the Archdiocese of Washington.
i am from nigeria i will like to work for you church my name is victor davies hope to hear from you soon