The day of the national illegal alien boycott to not go to work is of course the Feast Day of St. Joseph the Worker. Rich irony for the likely majority of Catholics cooperating. Though some have already suggested that the Holy Family were illegal immigrants because of the Flight into Egypt so maybe that is the connection. Though to compare Angelic directions to avoid assassination of the baby Jesus being equivalent to seeking work in better economic climes doesn’t bare close scrutiny. Also as far as I am aware Joseph didn’t hire a coyote to get him across and then buy forged papers. Nor had Egypt recently suffered an attack that killed thousands and out of necessity were controlling border access. [Via Michelle Malkin]
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Its also a huge day in socialism. Ironic? I think not.
The May Day celebrations came first – only later was May 1 set as the feast of St. Joseph The Worker – as a counter to communist/socialist propoganda. I am guessing that the organizers of this big event (leftists no doubt) are planning it as a May Day celebration and have no knowledge, or at most, no respect for the Feast of St. JOseph the Worker.
If we all showed up in Mexico in mass protest for our rights while we vacationed or visit there, I can tell you we would be screaming at deaf ears, and then moved by force, shot at, or jailed until we came up with bail, or jailed until we were old and grey. Who said they could pull this kind of crap here. Oh wait! Our government did.
Actually, Fr. Totton, May 1 was chosen by the Communists because it was always a day special to workers, a day when guilds in the Middle Ages would gather to celebrate, so it does have more Christian roots than it appears at first glance. But I agree with you that this is a May Day relation and not a St Joseph.
Considering that Egypt, like Israel, was part of the Roman Empire, I’m doubtful the analogy works at all — even without close scrutiny. Now I don’t know what regulations the Romans put on travel (if any), but going from one part of a country (or empire) to another is not the same as going from one country (or empire) to another. (think I have that right) can tell you why the Catholic Church supports immigrant rights under the vestige of human rights and the dignity of the human person.
sorry– it’s