Dawn Eden passed along a press release from condoms4life a.k.a Kissling’s CFFC. Of course you know what to call an organization started up by a dissenting organization? An apostatate.
Robert Duncan at Spero News has some good commentary on this:
If you are predisposed to being a heretical bellyacher, then even St Valentine’s Day is a good day for throwing a rant. And if you can thumb Rome in the process so much the better.
Just in time for the "Love Season," the you-can’t-be-serious-Catholic group "Condoms4Life" is launching its latest malarkey "to encourage responsible sexuality and to raise awareness about the Vatican’s ban on condoms."
If that doesn’t create queasy sensations in your lower digestive tract, then at least rest assured that despite the recent religion riots, Catholics aren’t taking to the streets to beat nincompoops over the heads with the Catechism.
I suspect it wouldn’t work anyway, since people like Frances Kissling, president of the poorly named "Catholics for a Free Choice," are convinced they are Catholic. I doubt even the shorter, larger-print version of the Catechism would make much of a dent on their wooden Orwellian-catholic souls.
Condoms4Life plans to paint the town red with their new version of the Apostles Creed:
"We believe in God. We believe sex is sacred. We believe in protecting each other. We believe in using condoms."
Try saying that one right before communion.
According to Kissling, Condoms4Life was launched "to educate young Catholics, as well as gay and straight couples, about what we think our faith demands of us: Responsibility.” I note the emphasis in Kissling’s statement on what she thinks faith is all about.
Relatedly, when Kissling says "Good Catholics are deeply concerned about the problem of HIV/AIDS,” we are supposed to understand that it is impossible to really be concerned about AIDS if we believe sex is only to happen inside the sacrament of marriage – and condoms are un-Catholic.
I just have one question.
If Kissling claims the Catholic Church is such a horrid place, then why does she to continue calling herself Catholic – could it be for no other reason than perhaps it’s an addictive ego rush?
This is also more evidence that dissenters never dissent on only one subject. In this case we have abortion, contraception, homosexuality. They also never explain why somebody who is married and monogamous needs to be protected from STDs in the first place. This is because they don’t make any such assumptions and it just show more areas where they dissent. In all honest their campaign should be called Condoms4SpritualDeath.
There has to be some purpose for parasites like Frances Kissling, et al. Maybe to keep us from becoming complacent in an ever more spiritually dangerous world. Or to assist us to poke holes in the whole connection between so-called “safe or safer sex” and condoms are the answer, when in fact they are a fool’s paradise for risk.
Ms. Kissling has to seem as if she is still Catholic as her organization(s) are heavily funded by major foundations, most of which also, ironically, also fund anti-Israel activities by left-wing “Christian” groups e.g., the WCC. She has satellites all over the place, collecting from a number of major foundations, Ford in the lead. So appearing to be a Catholic in spite of her heresies and betrayals of the Church lends her a phoney authenticity.
I’d love to see the donor list for “Catholics for a Free Choice.” I agree that this does not have the ring of a grass-roots initiative but of something funded by one of those corporate-type abortion lobbies. Posters like these were all over the metro stations in Cologne during World Youth Day. Same organization, probably the same ads.
“They also never explain why somebody who is married and monogamous needs to be protected from STDs in the first place.”
EXACTLY!!! This is what I am always telling my non-practicing Catholic family members. Why do you need the Pope to support condoms? He doesn’t even support extra-marital sex!
Also, hate the way they call it “protection”. My wife’s gynocologist once asked if we were using protection. She said, “No, the shoulder pads and helmet really get in the way and kill the mood.” He was not even slightly amused…
But seriously, what does she need to be “protected” from? Babies are not parasites. I am not a rapist.
We have since found an NFP-only OB/GYN here in north Texas, praise God!
Nothing says, “I love you quite like a condom.”
Er, no wait…
Nothing says, “I love MYSELF quite like a condom.”
just passing by. happy valentine’s day. thanks and God bless
Frances Kissling us under no illusions she is a Catholic and I can’t understand why anyone else does. There’s no news in “Athiest supports abortion!” Or “Athiest recommends Condom Use!” She’s a complete fraud.
It’s a shame Frances Kissling’s parent’s didn’t take her advice and use a condom. We wouldn’t be reading and listening to such drivel. Kissling is just an Episcopalian who uses the name of Catholic for effect….pin head. OOps, I mean we all must pray for her. I don’t know about you all but I’m getting tired of listening to these so called Catholics who have the information in front of them and they still choose to ignore the facts and listen to the lies of the world, and then pass off this crap as truth under the title Catholis.
Gee whiz, Ducky8. You’re kidding about that first part, right?
Gee whiz Kathy…..duh, ya think? I just found the thought rather interesting. I’m sure Frances Kissling wouldn’t find it interesting or even remotely funny. It wasn’t meant to be.
Well it sounds awful.
As do most of her points of interest. That concerns me more.
I’m just saying: don’t row with her oars.
A good response to the obgyn, Andrew. Too bad he didn’t have a sense of humor (or any sense).
Kathy, I don’t even want to be on the same pond as her. I’m hoping she looses her oars and comes to a quick stop. (or swept over the falls…..hypothetically speaking of course)
Frances Kissling is a brave campaigner, aware of the problems of women as most of you are not.
A quote: “That [Roman Catholic] agenda has had at its center the most absolute and extreme position taken by any religious group. Even Islam, which rivals Catholicism in conservatism on women�s rights and sexuality, permits abortion for a wide range of reasons during the first trimester of pregnancy. Most Protestant denominations and most branches of Judaism, although considering abortion to be a grave moral matter, hold that not only should abortion be legal, but that it is a decision that must be reserved to the conscience of the pregnant woman. So strongly held is this respect for conscience that, when abortion was illegal, Protestant clergy and Jewish rabbis willingly broke the law by participating in an extensive network called the Clergy Consultation Service, which both counseled women with unintended pregnancies and referred them to sympathetic physicians who would perform abortions. Since the 1973 Supreme Court decision, religious groups favoring legal abortion have worked through the Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights to make their support for reproductive choice visible. In spite of this, the Roman Catholic church and fundamentalist Protestants have dominated public policy discourse and garnered the lion�s share of media attention focused on religion in the seemingly intractable abortion war.”
Ducky8, I’m amazed at the inconsistency of your ethic of life. You’re IN the same pond as her!
Spirit, sometimes I have trouble taking your rabble rousing seriously. Are you some sort of sociologist? Do you really think that the apostolic Church makes decisions based on peer pressure? Or are you just trying to jerk our chains?
That’s what makes me who I am and not some drone. I see them as I call them. And no. I’m not in the same pond as Kissling. She chooses to drown in an area I choose to keep a distance with. I can only offer my prayers, and at times my concern. You say inconsistency of ethics? I fail to see where you can make that comment. After a lengthy conversation with my parish priest we had many commets about who, why, and how concerning Kissling. No where did he insist I was inconsistent in my ethics. We had a dialog that looked at many aspects. I see you don’t know how to do that..
“Frances Kissling is a brave campaigner, aware of the problems of women as most of you are not.”
Yep, campaigning for the culture of death against the big bad church is so brave and tough as opposed to….emmm, whats the phrase…’taking up your cross and following me’ – the easy option in our theocratic society.
Give me a break, Father.
SpiritII, I just know you’re not a woman. We’ve got a culture that sexualizes us at increasingly young ages, encourages promiscuity, and then acts as if babies or diseases are the only awful consequences of premarital sex (and our CHOICE somehow). Condoms are just part of the culture that treats women as commodities and children as liabilities. And fathers as having no rights to their children when they’re still in utero.
But it doesn’t end there. We’re treated as second-class citizens when it comes to health.
Did you know that the Pill increases the likelihood of a stroke, even in otherwise healthy young women? Have you ever taken a twenty-year-old friend to rehabilitation after she’s had a Pill-related stroke? It ain’t pretty. And I won’t even get into abortion, the only “medical procedure” in which the providers WITHHOLD information about risks and don’t use ultrasounds so you can make an informed choice.
And condoms aren’t totally effective, as any sex ed teacher would tell you. Did you know that most sexually-transmitted diseases affect a woman’s body much more profoundly than a man’s? And not just AIDS – genital warts, chlamydia, etc. Condom use does NOT mean that women are safe from contracting these diseases.
The biggest problem women face is that we USED to have culture that emphasized sex within marriage. Now 10-year-old girls are using “waterdams” so they don’t have to swallow semen at oral sex parties in middle school.
Oh, yeah, but we’ve got a CHOICE to murder our children and pretend it’s okay.
By the way, that IS the point of the “abortion war”, SpiritII. Lots of Protestant ministers used to agree that slaves weren’t fully human, too. And a certain Mr. Adams wasn’t allowed to bring it up in the Senate because people were tired of hearing him. Someday historians will look back and say, “It’s hard to believe that people actually tried to justify murder by saying that abortion was just a personal choice.”
Ducky8, I’m only complaining about your apparent desire that Kissling’s life were never begun/ ended. That would be inconsistent with your position on the issues themselves. I may be reading this totally wrong, and I apologize if that’s the case.
Planned Parenthood calls in the gay contingent to help them counter the antiabortion protestors. There is a strong correlation between abortion minded people and the gay community. In fact there are people who believe their abortion caused them to become gay. Think about it-there is a connection.
Kathy, what I mean in ending, as in killing, coming to a scretching halt, is her attempt to teach error and defending other topics that are against the church’s teaching. Not her life.