Here is a (slightly edited) text of a letter sent by Catholic columnist Barbara Kralis to Bishop Charles Grahmann of Dallas concerning a retreat to be given by Father Rohr, O.F.M. It also contains the text of something sorely missed blooger Fr. Sibley concerning Fr. Rohr.
Not exactly Franciscan spirituality
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According to Rev John Hardon SJ, “Franciscans….have also promoted such popular devotions as the Angelus, the Way of the Cross, and the Crib. They were always strong defenders of the Immaculate Conception, long before the dogma was formally defined by the Church.”
It is very interesting how the ‘peace’-loving contemporary followers of St Francis consistently overlook that. (I am speaking mainly about the people who, having no idea who St Francis actually was, follow him as a hippie. you know, just give peace a chance.) They go off on these tangents in the name of St Francis or Gospel living, while actually being totally ignorant of them.
Does anyone know if this priest is still writing for The Living Word devotional booklet?
What trashy people these homosexual activists are! They are the minions of Satan. If we don’t actively involve ourselves in opposing them at every turn, they will destroy the Church in this country. Our bishops need to hear from us.
I hope you do a follow-up on this, Jeff. I’m interested to know how Bishop Grahmann will respond.
“Let us not be like silent onlookers nor like dogs that do not bark.” – St. Boniface
What I said on Gerald’s blog:
“So,…,how long before one of Fr. Rohr’s bosom buddies decides to make a little coin by saying that Fr. Rohr improperly touched him? After all, I imagine a fellow’s balls can get a nasty burn if he’s stupid enough to jump over camp-fires naked,…,”Oh, Tim,…,that looks bad,…,here let me put some salve on that,…,” (I apologize for the disgusting mental image I am creating, but you get the point.)
And here comes a multi-million dollar lawsuit. In this case, I’d say the diocese saw it coming with this fool and deserves it – but unfortunately that money comes out of the collection plate.”
The problem with this letter to the bishop–though it’s fine by itself and much needed–is that it needs to be sent to Fr. Rohr’s Provincial. Franciscan Friars don’t actually work *for* the local bishop, though they do have to work *with* them.
Did anyone cc that to the Province of Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (of the Diocese of Ft Worth)? I’m sure that he’s seen it by now though…
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