Los Angeles, Jul. 01 (CWNews.com) – A prominent American pro-life leader has called for the resignation of Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles, after an incident in which young pro-life activists were threatened with arrest when they sought
to enter the Los Angeles cathedral.
The young people, participants in the American Life League’s Crusade for the Defense of our Catholic Church, were planning to attend the inauguration ceremonies for Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaralgosa, a Catholic who favors legal abortion. The demonstrators were gathering at the cathedral, wearing shirts that red: "You can’t be Catholic and pro-abortion." But they were denied entry by cathedral ushers, and threatened with arrest when they pressed their argument to be admitted. (Eventually the Los Angeles city police intervened to defuse the confrontation, and the young demonstrators were allowed into the cathedral.) [Source] [Via Angry Twins]
So let me get this strait. If you wear a rainbow sash supporting homosexual activity you will get a nice letter from diocese saying you will receive no opposition, but if you wear a t-shirt with a message inline with Church teaching you will be barred from entry.
Okay, wait. I’m a new Catholic, and I just want to know once and for all…was the 1,972 year old church supposed to change for my or anyone else’s personal beliefs vis a vis gay “marriage”, abortion, gun control, motor-voter, crispy vs. original, etc, or am I actually supposed to conform myself and my spirit to Christ and His teachings, as propagated through the magisterium?
Well, I believe that no one should use the Church setting to voice or air complaints, be it rainbow sashers or pro-lifers. I really understand why they were initally barred–they were not entering as mass-goers, they were entering as protesters.
Obviously, the issue of a Catholic Mayor being pro-abortion is a problem, but the place to deal with that is not during a mass or in a ceremony taking place in a church, don’t you really think so?
It is unfortunate that this ceremony was taking place in a church, they should have protested long before today and moved the place of inauguration.
Unless there’s more to this that I’m seeing, I have to agree that this wasn’t the place for the t-shirts.
I don’t have the citation at hand, but I remember one of the great early heretical Patriarchs of Constantinople was denounced during his homily (in the midst of the Liturgy) by a Deacon. I can’t remember if the Deacon went on to become a Saint or not, I’ll have to try and track that anecdote down again…
Can’t the Pope create a Congregation for Greeting Cards or something else innocuous for Cardinal Mahony to head? Anything, as long as it gets him to Rome where he can be closely watched.
JP II appointed some real stinkers.
Pope Benedict should resign if he is too cowardly to demand “Cardinal” Mahoney’s resignation.
And what ever happened to the separation of Church and State?
I’m sure the ACLU is right on this one.
To quote Hamlet: “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark…” It looks as if the Cardinal, or at the very least the staff of his cathedral, did not wish to cause a VIP (the new mayor) any embarassment and in so doing, embarass the cathedral/ archdiocese too. Once again, we compromise our faith for political gain.
It is true that the Church needs to exercise political expediency – she always has – but this is a step too far because it limits the action of a Catholic group which is not an official organ of the archdiocese…
A sad decision indeed by the cathedral staff. I hope His Eminence reacts to this in some way.
Who’s Mahony fooling? Only himself. I think he’d be a lot happier of a prelate destroying some other religion. With the weekly earthquakes and then on-going threat of being washed into the sea, I think LA has enough in her hands. Cast out the pro-lifers, but bring on them raindbow-sashers and let’em sashe ’til their little hearts content. Honestly! I still think Mahony should be appointed president of the Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People; there’s little he could screw up there and he surely has had experience with that sort of thing in LA.
Living as a Catholic in Los Angeles is like being the child of an addict.
I just wrote the Cardinal my views and I urge others to do the same. Kids wear t-shirts all the time to church with various messages, most of which are either political or just stupid. The point is why discourage a group of young Catholics who have given up their entire summer to promote the Church’s teaching on human life? What kind of image will they have of the Cardinal or even his support for the sanctity of human life? Where is the compassion or worse, where is the pastoral sensitivity or human justice?
The difference between the rainbow sashers and pro-lifers is that one opposes church teaching and the other is promoting it (with precious little support from the heirarchy.) God bless those kids! We could use a couple million more like them.
Also, I have a real problem with any church being used for secular purposes (political or cultural.) Churches should be used exclusively for prayer and the liturgy. (This of course assumes that Our Lady of the Armadillo qualifies as a church.)
My first thought was of course there is separation of Church and State in Los Angeles, because there is no Church to separate from.
I wonder if the Pope will ever hear about this. He would never interfere, but I wonder if he even knows what a mockery of the Faith this New Age prelate has created.
Nancy wrote, “Well, I believe that no one should use the Church setting to voice or air complaints…”
I would image that such an stance would pretty effectively silence St. Paul. Somehow in this age we have come to think that either there are no wolves, or that unity with wolves is more important than dissent.
Why were “inauguration ceremonies” for a mayor being held in the cathedral in the first place? Not that there’s necessarily anything wrong with that, but I would think there’d be howls from every non-Catholic in the area.
I think it is appalling that people would be denied admittance to a Catholic church because they were wearing tee-shirts with messages in line with Catholic teaching. If they tried to disrupt mass, that is another story, and they should be made to leave.
A good many of the teenagers in this town wear pro-Catholic tee-shirts to mass. I grew up among Baptists, who dress up for church, so I never saw tee-shirts in church as a child, but I must admit I like seeing the pro-Catholic tees.
For the record, A.V. is barely Catholic. By his own admission, he seldom shows up in church. By my own admission, it’s only when there’s a political benefit. On the positive side, unlike Riordan, he doesn’t have a mistress.
A young lady from A.L.L was at my parish several weeks ago, probably wearing the t-shirt in question. At the invitation of the pastor, she spoke at Mass. If you heard her, you’d know why Cardinal Mahony would be unconfortable with A.L.L. folks.
Separation of Church and State? Where, pray tell, is that written in the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights, or any of the subsequent Amendments?
I’m SOOOOOOO worn out at hearing that hackneyed and incorrect phrase. There IS NO SUCH LAW IN THE UNITED STATES. PERIOD. The Bill of Rights says the following in the opedning words of the First Amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” That’s it, folks – no national religion, and no laws prohibiting the exercise of religion. The words “separation”, “church”, and “state” never appear.
The term “Spearation of Church and State” has been misquoted from a letter written in 1802 by Thomas Jefferson while he was President. He was responding to a letter from the Danbury Baptist Association, a group of liberty-loving Connecticut Baptists who were concerned about maintaining their religious freedoms. President Jefferson�s letter included this phrase:
“Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith and worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people that declared that their Congress should make no laws respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.”
This “separation of Church and State” was a one way street favoring Churches – as in the First Amendment, the Government cannot interfere with religion. It’s been inverted by ACLU types for many, many years, and every time I see it crop up I take the time to write this blurb in the hope that perhaps word will spread about the true meaning of Jefferson’s words.
Very well said Joey!! I have been screaming this to people for years, but have been told by even city officals that I’m mistaken. I have said, can you find it anywhere? That’s when I get the blank stare. They’ve been told this for so long that they believe it now.
Those ALL students are on a March for life,traveling light. It is my understanding that T-shirts stating that you can’t be Catholic and pro-abortion are all that they wear.
As for them not being Mass-goers, I believe that they attend Mass wherever they are, effectively combining their message, their lives, their faith, and their witness. The Church calls them simple as in effecting Jesus’ simplicity, what you see is what you get.
I say that they have integrity–fully integrated faith, consciences, and lives, the antithesis of the Clinton-made-famous compartmentalization that was once known to be pathological.
I’m also tired of everyone screeching separation of Church and State as an excuse to curtail Americans’ freedom to practice their faith without compartmentalization. First a right to privacy that protects the murder of our unborn children, then a cutailment of our religious freedoms, now the loss of the right to own property without the local government taking it away to give to wealthier private citizens.
And they say that the slippery slope doesn’t exist. America was placed in the pot when the water was tepid, just before they turned the heat up…
May we all be at one with the Gospel, and may Christ through Mary grant us the grace we need to be effective witnesses, and to persevere!
In Christ’s peace and joy,
Robin L. in TX
What if you wore a rainbow sash over a Pro-Life tshirt?
Would Cardinal Mahoney’s head explode?
That would be kinda cool to see, now that I think on it. Like throwing water on a robot.
*Twitch* *Twitch* *Bzzztttt*
I truly laughed out loud 3 times while reading these comments. “crispy vs. original”, “Congregation for Greeting Cards”,…and ALL of Der Tom’s last post! Would that I could come up with such witticisms. God bless the ALL youngsters, they have their work cut out for them, and I pray that adversity makes them stronger in their resolve.
Secularist #@$*! ::incoherent mumbling and cursing::