Zadok the Roman has picture up of today’s Corpus Domini procession in Rome with Pope Benedict XVI.
But the Corpus Christi procession, he said, is a moment when Catholics walk with the risen Lord, carrying him to the ends of the earth.
"One cannot eat the risen Lord present in the figure of bread as if it were simply a piece of bread," the pope said. "To eat this bread is to ‘communicate,’ to enter into communion with the person of the living Lord.
"This communion, this act of eating, is truly an encounter between two persons; it is allowing oneself to be penetrated by the life of the one who is Lord, the one who is my creator and redeemer," Pope Benedict said.
Going to the altar and receiving Communion, he said, is a sign that the faithful want to be transformed and conformed to Christ, "who is love alive."
"Communion implies adoration; it implies the desire to follow Christ," he said. [Source]
On the other end of the spectrum John Gibson has a series of stills from the Episcopalian clown Mass mentioned earlier this week at Open Book.
Fantastic photos from Zadok, thanks much for the heads up.
Not just stills–they have video!
Holy Cow! This is incredible!
ECUSA, helping Catholics to feel better about their problems since 1965.
Just when I start to think that I can’t take any more silliness, I come across these clownish pictures. Outrageously funny…not.
This could very well be stills taken from that Stephen King movie, ‘IT’ *shudder* (Does anybody else besides me find clowns to be freaky?)
Remember kids, clowns and heresies do not mix!!
Bwah! “Other end of the spectrum” indeed!
The reason for the stills….
I know there are some out there who don’t want to watch the video…
I watched it and took scads of screen captures so that other out there wouldn’t have to endure the agony. I also have links to their videos up on my blog.
The only thing I can say it man… I am happy I am not in THAT church.
The Curt Jester
The Curt Jester posts on B16’s participation in the Corpus Domini procession for the Feast of Corpus Christi, with a link to pictures posted by Zadok the Roman. That’s not odd.
In the same post, he links to pictures posted by John Gibson at Musings …
Just what IS up with this clowns in churches nonsense? It’s like they have a secret lobby or something! Was there a St. Bozo I missed somewhere? Did one of the Apostles juggle? Or during the miracle of the loaves and fishes do that water bucket fake out throw to the crowd?? And since we’re so big on diversity, why not equal liturgical time for the Bearded Lady? I think if Father, during his homily on eternal damnation, did that shooting flame from his mouth trick it’d really get the crown on its feet.
Thankfully, it’s the pictures from the Pope one that remind me of the diocesan celebration we had on Thursday (except that the bishop walked from Notre Dame to St. Patrick’s with the rest of us, instead of being driven).
Odd. HH B16 made no mention of the fact that without a procession with the gifts, our offering in union to God, the Mass isn’t valid. Nothing about the communion we get when we all hold hands during the Lord’s Prayer. Nothing about the union of the assembly in the bread and wine. All he talked about was “communion with Christ.” This is going to confuse everyone, making them think that in Communion they receive Christ Himself. Where’s he coming from, the Council of Trent?
Sad, but there are those who would wonder…
Hey Jeff,
Thought that you would like to know… Friday, my Blog when insane with hits.
Over 130,000 hits on my site in one hour for the Wacky Clown Eucharist.
I am trying to get my ISP to give me more bandwith… until then, I am offline. I just put the upgrade order in and hopefully the blog will be back online soon.
John Gibson
Roman Art past and present
Roman builders could show contractor a few things
St. Petersburg Times – While engrossed in a History Channel series on ancient Rome last week, a fleeting image brought me back to modern times and to a couple of local nightmares. If anything, I was be…