(CNSNews.com) – Pro-life activists say a Catholic college in Baltimore, Md., has no business inviting Rudy Giuliani to speak at its commencement exercises. The former New York City mayor also will receive an honorary degree from Loyola College on Friday, May 20.
"It is unconscionable for Loyola College — a Catholic institution — to host Rudy Giuliani given his outspoken support of abortion-on-demand, which stands in direct opposition to the infallible teachings of the Catholic Church and his own self-proclaimed faith," said Jack Ames, founder of the Maryland group Defend Life.
Loyola’s Interim President David Haddad calls Giuliani a "courageous figure, a man whose leadership and resolute response to the attacks of September 11 represents the ideal of citizenship and public service."
Students in Loyola’s graduating class of 2005 were in the first week of their freshman year when the terrorist attacks happened – and many them are from the New York and Washington areas, the college noted.
"The mayor’s presence will no doubt be both inspirational and meaningful to them and to their families," Haddad said in a statement on the college’s website.
Defend Life said Giuliani’s leadership is not the issue; his support of abortion-on-demand is the problem:
"Loyola’s rationale for inviting Giuliani is exactly why he should be disqualified," Ames said. "While recognizing the impact that 9/11 — which took the lives of over 3,000 innocent Americans — has had on these graduates, Loyola is failing to realize the unmistakable impact that legalized abortion has had on that entire generation."
Ames said every day, more than 3,500 babies are killed by surgical abortion – "meaning a full one-third of this graduating class’s generation has been eliminated because of those who support so-called ‘choice.’" [Source]
Rudy Giuliani has described himself “I’m pro-choice. I’m pro-gay rights,” and when asked about partial-birth abortion ban replied “No, I have not supported that, and I don’t see my position on that changing,” He is more then just a Republican version of John Kerry, he is perhaps worse since he doesn’t even try to dodge behind the ole "personally opposed, but.." line.
Guiliani on partial birth abortion: “…I don�t see my position on that changing…” unless it becomes politically advantageous to do so? Although it does not surprise me he didn’t proclaim that odious “personally opposed, but…” philosophy, (which I have to believe would make pro-aborts blanche secretly). Guiliani’s life’s work was built around black and white issues of good vs. bad. From taking down the N.Y. mobs to rejecting contributions from a Saudi prince with caveats attached. So, perhaps he is absolute about not supporting killing an all but the head delivered baby. In China, it’s the reverse. Delivering all but one foot makes it a legitimate abortion, not infanticide. Significantly trickier… they’re pretty slippery and move around and squwak a lot.
I don’t like Giuliani for his support of abortion and gay marriage, but I don’t think his honesty regarding his positions makes him worse than Kerry. Kerry’s “personally opposed” rhetoric has no substance and simply exists in order to confuse voters into thinking Kerry “cares” about them and their problems. Giuliani may be as bad as Kerry, but not worse.