A couple of excellent posts from The Anchoress. One in response to the Time Magazine article about Protestants and the Virgin Mary and goes on to talk about Mariology and says "it allows me to think a little bit about how the Catholic church, more than any other institutional body in history, has uplifted women and encouraged them to live to their highest potential." She goes on to back this up withsome good examples.
In another post she answers some reader’s questions about orgies at Mass and other matters. Obviously at least one her readers had heard some versions of the stories from the dreadful nativist fiction "The Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk." The original title of that book was actually "The Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk as Exhibited in a Narrative of Her Life and Sufferings during a Residence of Five Years as a Novice and Two Years as a Black Nun in the Hotel Dieu Nunnery in Montreal."
Maria Monk online
(from Mark Shea, ages ago)
It’s near the bottom of the page.
That online copy is incomplete. I took the effort to make a copy page by page on a copier several years ago. Hundreds of pages of “…and then the priest asked the nuns to perform acts that I cannot put down in writing…”. I was advised never to put it online.
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