Here is the text from Mel Gibson’s commercial running in California.
Research on adult and umbilical cord stem cells have led to cures in 300,000 cases. But that’s not what Proposition 71 is about.
This is Mel Gibson and I’m concerned that the people aren’t fully informed about Prop 71.
We have a lot of questions to ask, like why are we being misled into thinking Prop 71 isn’t about cloning, when it is?
That’s what it says: "Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer," and that’s a scientific term for cloning.
If cloning human embryos for destruction is so promising, why aren’t private companies paying the $6 billion?
Because in 23 years embryonic stem cell research has not produced a single human cure. All it yielded is tumors, rejections and mutations.
See, that science doesn’t atttract venture capital, so why should the taxpayers be bled dry?
This is Mel Gibson. I’m voting no on Prop 71.
Creating life simply to destroy it is wrong, particularly when there are effective alternatives readily available.
Mel�s Mission: Killing Prop 71
I just wanted to applaud Mel Gibson for fighting against Proposition 71 in California. First, he appeared on Good Morning America and spoke with Diane Sawyer, she actually suggested that it wasn�t a human, but a �clump of cells in…
I’m glad he has money. I’m glad he uses it for good. Mel Gibson vs George Soros – who uses their money for the good of society. I choose the former.
Anyone know where I can get a streaming version? I don’t watch TV. In a week I prolly watch a total of 3 hours of TV.