Blogger has decided to reveal the first names of some bloggers vice their psuedonym. The SecretAgentMan is not so secret and his cover is blown, the barrister has been bared, and a rat fan is now not anonymouse.
On a related note The 7 Habitus has also moved on to
RSS Feed
If a blogger is indeed posting material that is inappropriate or illegal in some way, their IP address can always be traced by the proper authorities. My real name could be “Muhammed” instead of “Chris” and it wouldn’t matter. Even with a pseudonym, the authorities could still find me or anyone else. A few subpeonas to Blogspot and the ISP and *badda-boom*, they’ve got a name, address, and from that all the information they would need to break down my door at two in the morning. I’m not being “X-File” paranoid here, I’m just being realistic.
I’m a big free-speech proponent, even when that speech offends me. Things like this, which leans in the direction of restricting freedom of speech on the Internet, get under my skin BIG TIME.
Thankfully, my real name, Aloysius, has been hidden again. ^(%&()* Blogger.
It is a bit of a problem. I wouldn’t have revealed so much about where I go to school, etc, if I thought that people could get my name and trace me.