Petersnet now has the Carroll History Database.
The database is currently complete from 7 BC through 1662 AD and is being expanded rapidly from Dr. Carroll’s notes which thus far extend through the 16th century. Search for a word or phrase relating to events within this time period; or select a year
[Link via Stupidus]
I have been reading through Dr. Warren H. Carroll’s volumes of Christian History* and have been greatly impressed by the wealth of historical information in relation to the Church. These books are heavily footnoted and mentions when there are disagreements on historical events.
*Volume I, “The Founding of Christendom” (to 324 AD) (1985); Volume II, “The Building of Christendom” (324-1100) (1987); Volume III, “The Glory of Christendom” (1100-1517) (1993); Volume IV, “The Cleaving of Christendom” (1517-1873) (2000). Christendom Press