They still
believe in the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus. They don�t know how to spell their
last names or tie their own shoes. But they do know that �war is bad,� and that
�Bush is a bully.�
The next generation of Berkeley peaceniks gathered on the
steps of City Hall Tuesday to demonstrate their opposition to a pending war in
Iraq- after school, of course. Armed with protest signs, microphones, and Harry
Potter lunch-boxes, elementary and pre-school children demanded city leaders
contact President Bush and halt his hawkish �war for oil.�
…Celia, age 6, who could not spell her hyphenated last name,
told the crowd President Bush �wants to make war because he wants oil.�
[Full story]
At least these kids are as least as intelligent and know as much as the
run-of-the-mill Berkeley protesters do.