Uncategorized Away from the light news and onto even meteor news by Jeffrey Miller October 4, 2002 written by Jeffrey Miller October 4, 2002 Meteor showers could lead to nuclear war. [Full Story]Link via Kevin Miller 0 comment 0 FacebookTwitterGoogle +Pinterest Jeffrey Miller previous post New definition for Irony next post Tools against the culture of death You may also like Kernels of truth? June 2, 2003 From the "I told you so files" September 2, 2002 New Viruses January 5, 2005 Bible Prophesy fulfilled October 20, 2002 And with your spirit September 17, 2002 The Orgin of Specious Arguments October 8, 2002 Dueling Jesuits November 30, 2005 Sen. Obama to appoint new exploratory committee June 10, 2008 "Send us, Saint James the Moor-slayer" November 30, 2008 Man Shot Dead over Heaven and Hell Argument July 31, 2002