Dear @Moses: I’m Jewish and I support:
- Baal
- Golden Idols
- Going back to Egypt
- Eating unclean animals
- Non-Aaronic priesthood
Next time I go to the Tabernacle,
I dare you to have the earth swallow me up.
Ed Condon at The Pillar asks Do the bishops need a document on the sacrament of penance, too?
Had the bishops of previous decades offered an unapologetic presentation of the moral consequences of cooperating in abortion then, when the appearance of partisanship was less acute, the matter would be nowhere near as politically contentious as it is today.
When you kick the can down the road, the can is still there. In this case, the can is now considered weaponized.
The appearance of some bishops to emphasize that we are all sinners almost to the point of inferring that, since all of us are, none of us need to worry about it, can be seen as a real contributor to the current pastoral crisis. This too, has been a generational problem for the U.S. bishops, born out of an ecclesial culture of the 1970s, which bought into a wider popular cultural ridicule of so-called “Catholic guilt.”
The deemphasis of the Sacrament of Penance over at least the last fifty years has its foreseen results. This, combined with cultural Pelagianism and the loss of the sense of sin, is a toxic cocktail within the Church. The loss of the understanding of sin means that there is no need of a savior. We don’t need to be saved from our sins if we are “only human” and thus imperfect. We acknowledge our failings and want to do better but have lost the connection in how we have offended God. We are trying to put band-aids on problems instead of addressing that our wounds are healed by the wounds of Christ in this sacrament. We were created to give glory to God and our very telos (perfection) is to do so. The grace given us in confession when our sins our forgiven help us to realize our utter dependence on God for everything. We can develop gratitude and thankfulness, which enables us to enter into worshipping God more fully. In turn we can also enter more deeply into the great mystery of Jesus in the Eucharist.
The USSCB has been planning over the last year for a multi-year National Eucharistic Revival (details). This is partly in response to polls taken on belief in the Eucharist among even Mass-going Catholics. I am not aware of polls regarding belief in the Sacrament of Penance and its necessity, likely they would be even more dismal. Possibly, we also need a National Confession Revival. The Pillar article asks if the conference should write document on the Sacrament of Penance? Consider me skeptical regarding USSCB efforts in the first place. I can’t think of any of their documents or efforts that can be categorized as brilliant successes. The more visible Fortnight for Freedom program had no apparent effect during the President Obama years to curtail the assault on religious freedom. Maybe this would have been worse without it?
Most Catholic here are unaware, for the most part, of these conference efforts. Usually, it is only Catholic policy wonks, such as myself, who even read their documents. Bishop conferences are historically a relatively new thing and so far we have no examples of them sparking a revival. It has always been saints that have done so. Individuals or small groups have called others to personal revival through their example and holiness. Still, I wish them luck as possibly it can inspire individual bishops and individuals to focus on the reality of the Eucharist. We should be praying that God raises up saints for us for such a revival.
“Now in history there is no Revolution that is not a Restoration. Among the many things that leave me doubtful about the modern habit of fixing eyes on the future, none is stronger than this: that all the men in history who have really done anything with the future have had their eyes fixed upon the past.” – G.K. Chesterton
So a new document on confession should at least be seen as part of the same effort for Eucharistic revival. My opinion is that primarily confession needs once again to be more visible. “If you have it, they will come” is my “Field of Dreams” theology here. In most parishes, as far as I can tell, confession is available publicly sometime before the Saturday Vigil Mass. So for many Catholic it is hidden and out of the way. Many will not see people in line to confession as a regular occurrence. In the parish I came into the Church in, they have confession before every single Mass. My current parish has it available every day. It gives me a feeling of joy to see people in line for confession. It is both a reminder of my own need for the sacrament and a feeling of joy knowing others are having their sins forgiven and given grace. The Church builds on the constant conversion of each of us.
When I saw the New York Times’ Headline Pope’s Silence Speaks Volumes on Controversial Communion Vote by U.S. Bishops I knew it would be worth a laugh.
As mind-numbing stupid as I expected.
☑ Quoting Austen Ivereigh
☑ CDF Document seen as slap-down
☑ US dominant Conservative bishops not following Pope Francis’ more pastoral approach
Apparently they are totally unaware that of the text produced by Latin American bishops in 2007 led by then Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio. Or that he might have even coined the term “Eucharistic Coherence”. Or even the existing document by the USCCB on the subject.
Most reporting on the Church should just redirect to The Pillar so that you get informed, not POV-slanted-narrative.
Plus we have the flurry of politicians and celebrities weighing in with opinions that show they have not spent 1 second looking into why their gotcha-proof-of-hypocrispy just might be vaporous. Straw prices will probably climb with the scarcity due to all the straw men being constructed.
I am a bit tired of being lectured by those who think murdering the pre-born is A-OK, but denying the Eucharist (which they probably don’t even believe in the reality of) as a high crime.
I saw one Catholic Congressman tweet a list that would make a fine list of items to go into confession with to repent of. Instead it is a brag and a dare to the USCCB.
Plus I want every single one of these critics to become saints. I want them to love Jesus in the most Holy Sacrament so much that worldly fascinations with the spirit of the age will seem like a mess of pottage that they were tricked into receiving (thus rejecting somebody else’s birthright – to be born).
Last year when I started working at home at the start of the pandemic, I set up shop in my Florida room. I needed space to work with both my work laptop and my personal one. At the time, our VPN was limited to only corporate-owned machines. So I retasked a folding long picnic table as the base for all this equipment and cables to share a monitor. So I lived with this Adhoc setup for quite a while. It was very functional and an aesthetic eyesore. This disorder annoyed me, but hey, it was only a temporary situation!
I had learned over this time that working and using my Florida Room was pretty great as far as having sunlight and a view of the weather. Even during storms, it was much preferable to a cubicle farm. Plus, being able to listen to music and podcasts without headphones is also great. I had started using my guitar FRFR speakers as also computer speakers. So a mixer takes input from my computer, iPad, and guitar effects processor. The downside was all the visible cable and power strips.
During this last week, I decided to remedy the situation and to simplify and set up a more permanent solution. Before the pandemic, I had an iMac and a desk that added a collapsible standing desk. Unfortunately, this went unused since I needed room for two laptops at the time. I moved my main computer table into this location instead. I also traded in my laptop for a Mac Mini – it covered the cost.
So it has been a long week organizing and setting up the new computer. I am somewhat compulsive about setting up new machines. I have documented notes I maintain regarding what I want to install and set it up to my tastes. I rarely restore from a backup. I love that new minty-fresh OS feeling optimized to what I had learned since the last time.
I do like to stand while working because it kind of changes your attitude. It is easy to get comfy in a chair and not move about except to make coffee and to – ah – dispose of processed coffee. I can now unrhythmically prance about while listening to music for one thing. Plus, when I collapse the desk back down to sit for a while, I feel that it is a deserved rest.
This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 8 June 2019 to 16 June 2021.
The Weekly Francis is a compilation of the Holy Father’s writings, speeches, etc which I also post at Jimmy Akin’s blog.
General Audiences
Papal Tweets
Papal Instagram
This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 23 May 2021 to 9 June 2021.
The Weekly Francis is a compilation of the Holy Father’s writings, speeches, etc which I also post on Jimmy Akin’s blog.
General Audiences
Papal Tweets
Papal Instagram
In the middle of May this year, I traveled to Ohio to appear on The Journey Home program.
This was rather exciting for me since I have watched this show on EWTN for the last 24 years and before I officially became Catholic. I had even seen the show live where Mother Angelica rather sandbagged Marcus Grodi about doing a show such as this. It was not a request he was expecting. In this show, men and women from varied Christian (and even non-Christian) backgrounds are interviewed about their journey into the Church. I have always loved this show learning about the people interviewed and their various stories: the commonalities and the differences of each unique conversion story.
I have also seen many friends and acquaintances of mine interviewed on the show and daydreamed about being on the show myself.
So when Matt Swaim contacted me about being on the show, there was no hesitation to my affirmation. Matt is a cohost on the Son Rise Morning Show and Outreach Manager for the Coming Home Network. I knew a bit about Matt since for quite a while as we had traded bad puns on Twitter. I had also heard him regularly on Gary Michuta’s Hands on Apologetics Podcast. I also had read his conversion story in My Name Is Lazarus: 34 Stories of Converts Whose Path to Rome Was Paved by G. K. Chesterton.
It was an absolute pleasure that on the day I flew in to have dinner with him and the extended talks we had as we drove back and forth from the location of the Coming Home Network where their studio is. It was rather cool to find out he had been reading my blog when he was still a Protestant. There was a period on my way into the Church where I had restricted myself to Christian music only – but not really the top-of-the-charts CCM stuff. I knew from our Twitter conversations we had some of the same tastes in these lesser-known bands. To discover that as a bassist in his Christian Punk Rock Group that he had opened up for some of my favorite obscure bands was delightful. Or that we had scoured the same [webzine][jm] looking for such bands. This would have been a great trip just for the conversations we had.
They go a long way to not inconvenience their guests. You are flown in the day before and tape the program the following day. After lunch, it was back to the airport to go home. So the experience goes by all too quickly. I would have loved to be able to have spent more time hanging out with the staff. The staff lunch only whetted my appetite for intelligent and fun conversation. Before the taping, at least I had an excellent talk with Bill Bateson, their Studio Manager. I would have loved to have done the same with everyone there. That conversation also turned to music and the similar tastes we have. I got to hear a little of his story into the Church.
The actual taping of the show is recorded without edits. Marcus Grodi interviewed me knowing little about me other than that I was a former atheist. Since the show is taped ahead of time it will be a couple of months before it airs on EWTN. The interview itself is kind of a blur to me now. Especially leading up to this, I had been accessing my own story and the fact that we hardly know ourselves. That often we learn about ourselves and our motivations later on. So this had given me some opportunity to think through some of this with now two decades past since entering the Church. Very bittersweet thinking about my late wife’s role in my conversion and just how much of an arrogant jerk I was (well still working on this). How my worldview and actions had poisoned so much. It is painful looking at the reality of this.
Right now, I am not all that confident in how the actual interview went. Having introvert tendencies, I can at times switch into performance mode. It is certainly not unknown for introverts to also be class clowns, as I was. So I hope it comes across more like a conversation as we talked. I also have a pretty good vocabulary. It is just that apparently I don’t have access to it when writing or talking. It just returns in hindsight. I hope it comes across how much I love the faith and that this is a well of mystery that will never dry up for me.
Before and after the recording, I had been praying that God could use this even if what I said was only helpful for one person. I learned while there that the impact of the program could also be years later in reruns. I have to constantly fight the temptation to making everything “all about me” as my various insecurities come forth and seek to rule me. So, of course, I write a post all about me and my appearance.
St. John the Baptist pray for me that I might decrease and that Jesus increase in me.
This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 27 May 2021 to 2 June 2021.
The Weekly Francis is a compilation of the Holy Father’s writings, speeches, etc which I also post on Jimmy Akin’s blog.
General Audiences
Papal Tweets
Papal Instagram
Sometimes at Mass, the Eucharist gets caught in one of my teeth.
So of course I have pondered the cons and pros of this.
On the pro side: Since the Eucharist will end up being more slowly digested it is with me longer. Today I thought of this being a Toothernacle.
Con, it just doesn’t seem quite appropriate for me. So I try to dislodge it away with my tongue. Sometimes it seems quite stuck and I would be tempted to use a toothpick. Yet I do not want to become like Longinus.