Norma Jean Coon who had recently recanted her ordination in 2007 to the diaconate is smarter than Canonist Ed Peters. I say this in jest, but here is my evidence.
From a National Catholic Reporter article on this subject.
NCR contacted Coon twice by e-mail. She declined to make any comments.
From Ed Peters recent blog post.
For the second time this year, none of the careful replies on a news worthy topic that I prepared for the NCRep, at the NCRep’s request, made it into their article on the topic, even by way of token counterpoint to the NCRep editorial stance. And it’s not like the NCRep did not want to use e-mail responses, for at least two other e-mail responders were quoted at length in the story. So what exactly is going on?
So come on Mr. Peters. The next time Lucy presents the football, I mean NCReporter asks for comments – walk away.
It does though show NCReporter’s concern for the truth. They wanted to present Norma Jean Coon as being excommunicated despite the solid reasons Ed Peters gave that because of the time frame she was ordained this was not the case.
This is kind of like when you talk with somebody who believes in the preservation of the saints – once saved always saved and you point to one of their fellows who have fallen into sin. They will reply that person did not have faith and was not saved in the first place.