Sometimes you have to wonder if Fr. Jenkins of Notre Dame thinks we are just stupid.
The recent decision by Notre Dame to support the election of Roxanne Martino to their board of trustees is an example of this. I guess they got more scrutiny than they expected since it was previously released that Roxanne Martino has given plenty of money to pro-abortion organizations including over the last 12 years $25,000 to Emily’s List. Emily’s List as most dedicated pro-lifers in the U.S. know is an organization that exists only to give money to pro-abortion politicians. After this fact was released Notre Dame is assuring people that she was ignorant of Emily’s List mission.
Now even as a Catholic blogger who has amazing skills I can’t read souls and so will just go with her saying she was ignorant. That by itself is enough to disqualify her. If somebody can give so much money to a militantly pro-abortion group and not know what she was doing she is not fit to run a lemonade stand much less be on the board of a Catholic university. Not only did she give money to Emily’s List, but to a number of organizations that are pro-abortion and none that are primarily pro-life.
Though maybe I am being a little bit hard on her. For example the main page of Emily’s List is ambiguous.
She is a CEO of Aurora Investment and works as a portfolio manager for hedge funds. So her primary job is managing other people’s money and yet does not even know that she was giving so much money to a pro-abortion organizations despite her support of “the sanctity of life”. So at this level of incompetence by her own testimony exactly why would she be qualified as a board member? The alternative is that she is a liar and purposely supported the culture of death – either way Notre Dame should be backing off instead of making excuses and going full speed ahead making excuses for her.