In the Office of Readings from the Liturgy of the Hours the readings for Lent are from the book of Exodus with the obvious parallels of the Passover leading up to the celebration of Easter. It seems every time I read through this section of the scriptures I am always amazed at the actions of the future Israelites. Here were all these amazing miracles and yet they responded by whining and complaining at every turn. They were taken so far and yet they had little hope or trust in God that he would continue to guide them. Come on they went from the miracle of Passover, through the parting of the Red Sea, to erecting a Golden Calf. To paraphrase Bugs Bunny “What a bunch of maroons!”
I get to thinking how they could receive so much and acted so badly in return? Though then I started to think about my own attitudes. As a Catholic I get to receive the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ every time I go to Mass. Yet really how thankful am I for this. The miracle of the Eucharist transcends all the miracles of the Old Testament where we saw all the prefigurements. The Incarnation is such a wonder and a mystery we can never fully plumb, yet I will spend more effort thinking how disturbing a drum kit is at Mass. All the graces we are given and yet how often is their any kind of acknowledgment of this. Jesus cured ten lepers yet only one returned to give thanks. It is quite annoying to realize that I am walking off with the nine lepers that were cured. Sure sometimes I am truly thankful, but most days I go on wondering what God was going to do for me next. No matter how much God has worked in my life and cured me of some very serious sins, like the Israelites I forget the past and want the next thing now with hardly the trust I should have.
“Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much; but he who is forgiven little, loves little.” (Luke 7:47)
Well I have been forgiven much that is for sure, loving much – well not so much.
So I look in the mirror and resort back to Bugs Bunny “What a maroon!”