Last night reading through my normal long list of blogs and aggregated news sites there were several times I was tempted to remove some blogs from my RSS aggregator. Doomsday liturgical prophets were all set to make references to the liturgical calendar as if it was the Aztec one.
For me Pope emeritus Benedict XVI reflected a liturgical vision that I totally agreed with and really I was informed by his vision as reflected in his books such as The Spirit of the Liturgy. To go from someone that I was in total agreement with to a new Pope that might not have exactly that same vision can be a bit of a let down.
Still it is rather amazing that so many people who knew next to nothing about Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio yesterday are all experts on him today. Amazing how smart Google can make you in a day. This is kind of like the commercial about sleeping in a a Holiday Inn Express.
I will try not to make the same mistake since my own knowledge was prior to yesterday just a papabile biography on him. Yet really is even the information at hand via a search engine indicative of a man who is going to put the liturgical world upside down and turning over the slow changes that Pope Benedict XVI made? That an apparently humble man is going to force on the church a totally different liturgical vision? Likely I will probably have prudential disagreements with Pope Francis regarding the liturgy in years to come. Hopefully though I won’t go into freak out mode that Pope Francis is not exactly the same as Pope Benedict XVI in these matters.
I was happy to see last night when Father Z finally had internet access his take on the new Pope. This was an excellent example of how liturgical traditionalists should respond. He also nicely covered Pope Francis’ first Mass.
Taylor Marshall’s post on the subject is quite worthwhile Traditionalists and Pope Francis: Can We Take a Deep Breath and Please Calm Down?
I also really liked LarryD’s reflections regarding this. His blog like my own often does parodies regarding bad liturgy and the thought process behind them. His blog has the awesome animated GIF of a giant liturgical puppet getting it’s head blown off so he is not exactly neutral regarding the liturgy.
The Crescat, who also does not suffer liturgical foolishnes lightly, also has a good post on the subject.