Bittany from the blog Casting out into the deep, in a JPII sort of way…asks for some assistance.
I have $3,600 in student loans to pay off before I enter in August. I come from a poor family and have had to work my way through college. Would you be willing to help me? Please? Pretty please?
I have letters of reference from the vocation director of the Salesian Sisters and my spiritual director which I would be more than happy to furnish. Donations can be sent directly to the loan center.
Everyone who donates (every penny helps!) will be assured of my grateful prayers and will be able to receive email updates from me so that they can follow my progress in religious life.
This is an opportunity to assist Divine Providence in the life of a future nun! If you would like more information please leave a comment with your email address or email me at brittany.marie524 (at) gmail (dot) com Thank you and God reward you!