Leave it to Fr. McBrien to actually write:
Eucharistic adoration, perpetual or not, is a doctrinal, theological, and spiritual step backward, not forward.
Fr. Z fisks Fr. McBrien’s latest article.
Yes Fr. McBrien looks around at the Church and of course what is worthy of attack is people praying to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. I mean adoring and talking to Jesus, what could people be thinking? Fostering devotions with prayers before our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament will only produce vocations for priestly and religious life of people actually in love with our Lord – can’t have that happen. I mean what did Blessed Mother Teresa, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, and a large number of saints think they were doing spending time in worship before our lord in his Eucharistic presence. Surely they would have better spent their time inciting disobedience in a national dissenting paper.
Though of course we probably realize what Fr. McBrien actually wants. Yes a “Dick McBrien Adoration Chapel” filled by adoring dissenters.
Blessed be Dick McBrien
Blessed be his collarless Shirt.
Blessed be his NCR and Tidings dissenting articles
Blessed be Notre Dame for hiring and retaining him
Though next time I take a step backward and spend some time in front of the Blessed Sacrament I will be sure to say a prayer for Mr. McBrien in my backward spiritual way.