I ran across this interesting web page of someone who started their web page as
an atheist and is now back in the Catholic Church. There are some good articles
on her site that she wrote and a guest book full of comments of those quite not
happy with her conversion. She also has some first hand positive comments on the
new L.A. Cathedral. A Theist Gal
Lane Core of The Blog from the Core now has posted A Politically
Correct Christmas Carol which he received from a friend of his.
Eve Tushnet has an excellent
article (as always) on the National Catholic Register website
about the ‘ex-gay’ movement. The other day I was really proud of myself, I read
all the way through one of the posts on her blog without having to take a break.
Though I am still suffering from chair-sores from doing it and I’m sure I strained
a synaptic neuron or two in the process.