This morning Michelle Malkin with help of some of her readers revealed that several of the "undecided" voters on last nights YouTube Republican debate were Democrats who were already supporting Democratic Candidates or in one instance part of Hillary’s campaign. People have complained and pointed out that 30 seconds of work on Google would reveal the advocacies of these questioners and that either CNN was totally inept, totally complicit, or a little of both.
Now you might think this is just another example of bias where CNN has once again planted questioners of their choosing. You might be surprised to find out that I am going to defend CNN on this and that they were truly undecided voters. I managed to find some data buried on CNN’s site of a web questionnaire that the YouTube questioners had to fill out when their video’s were making the final cut.
Which Republican Candidate do you hate the most. Which Republican Candidate do you want to embarrass the most with a tough question. Which Republican Candidate would do more damage to poor people if elected. Which Republican Candidate would allow more damage to be done to the environment if elected. |
In each case the questioners were truly undecided on these candidates so let’s give CNN a break and stop complaining about bias.