PHOENIX — Football fans struggling to
find a place to stay for the Super Bowl may not be entirely out of
luck: there are still beds available at the local monastery.
The Benedictine nuns of Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery in Phoenix are
renting out rooms during Super Bowl week for $250 a night, plus $50
extra for each additional person. That’s not an unreasonable fee,
considering a nearby Super 8 Motel is charging $500 a night.
“It’s a different twist for us in the sense that we’ve never opened the
monastery for an event like the Super Bowl,” said Sister Linda of the
Benedictine Sisters of Phoenix. “It’s just a different clientele than
we’re accustomed to.”
The nuns said they plan to use the money to pay for some property they
purchased adjacent to the monastery.
Though the sisters won’t impose a curfew, lodgers at the monastery will
have to abide by a few rules: no smoking, no rowdy behavior and most
importantly, no alcohol.
Super Bowl fans will have to have their crazy fun elsewhere, but at
least confession is conveniently located.
“I would think that God’s got to be excited about the Super Bowl as
well,” Sister Linda said. “He wants people to enjoy life.”
This makes sense since the rule of St.
Benedict Chapter 53 says:
Let all Super Bowl fans who arrive be
received as Christ, because He will say: “I was a stranger and you took
Me in” (Mt 25:35). And let due honor be shown to all, especially to
those fans of the opposing team to the one you like.
Let the kitchen of the Abbot and the guests be apart, that the brethren
may not be disturbed by the guests who arrive at uncertain times
because of Super Bowl parties and who are never wanting in the
monastery. Let two brothers who are able to fulfill this office well go
into the kitchen for a year to be able to provide the guests with
appropriate snacks such as Buffalo Wings and a tray of cold cuts and