in the Catholic Blog Awards for
2008 has already started a bit ago, but voting is open until
Monday of
Holy Week. I would like to thank those who voted for me in five
different categories and your check is in the mail.
I would though like to say something about
the other blogs in the humor category. Last year my negative campaign ad appears to
have been effective so I will give it another go.
- Alive and Young Now I have linked
to Paul Cat throughout the year and he is pretty funny with his
“Adventures in Catechesis” and “Not said by Jesus” series. But is humor
the only qualification for this category? Is just being alive
and young enough? And isn’t this a slur against middle age
men like myself. Does this imply that I am “Still alive and
not so young?” I think that he is an ageist and surely this should
disqualify him. - American Papist Yet another funny
blog with great commentary and brilliant photo captions. But
what is up with the “Not your average Catholic” tagline? Surely this is
the sin of pride from another young blogger with a superiority complex.
Plus notice how he puts the word “American” before the word
“Papist”? This is an obvious clue that he puts his
citizenship first before the Church. Papist American would
be much more preferable. - Canterbury Tales Another great
blog on things theological and apologetic. But why does this
former Episcopal priest think that the word Canterbury is appropriate
for his blog? Is there still some secret allegiance the the
Anglican Archbishop? - The Cafeteria is Closed I have
linked to Gerald plenty of times since his blog first opened up.
I enjoy his sometimes acerbic commentary, his whirlwind of
blogging multiple posts, and his great photography. But can
we truly trust someone who took their blog title from Maureen Dowd?
I think not. - Catholic Cartoon Blog Paul Nichols
is quite a talented cartoonist and keeps me laughing throughout the
year. But it saddens me to have to reveal to you that Paul is secretly
a charter member of the Cardinal Mahony Fan Club. - Creative Minority Report This is
in my opinion the best new blog of the year. The parody and
punditry of these two brothers is top notch and they are very inventive
and creative. Exactly what claim do they have to being a minority other
than being faithful Catholics? But how do we know that they are really
brothers? This could be one brilliant and creative individual with
multiple personalities. Brothers or a split personality – you
decide. - Danielle
Bean This is one funny mom with lots of great insights!
Though with the number of pictures she posts of her kids
on her blog you have to wonder about their effect on the
environment. The increased bandwidth obviously causes a
higher use of electricity at the server farm which leads to global
climate change and the death of your ancestors in the future.
Funny yes, but do you want to vote for someone killing off
your offspring? - Dyspectic Mutterings One of my all
time favorite blogs and when Dale fisks something it is a thing of
beauty. In fact I am quite jealous of his writing style.
So if you vote for him you will be leading me to sin and how
could you live with yourself after that. - Five Feet of Fury Kathy
Shaidle was the first Catholic blogger and
her headlines have been declared lethal in all fifty states.
In fact she makes more points in her headlines than most
people do in long posts. She should get a lifetime achievement awards
for things like “More abortion clinics have been bombed on Law in Order
than in real life.” But you shouldn’t waste your time voting
for her, you should be buying her books so that she can blog full time. - Happy Catholic One of the most
balanced Catholic blogs out there with great quotes, jokes, and
insights. A daily stop for me. I broke the news last year
that I had it on good authority that she once didn’t say grace before a
meal. This year though I found out that she is sometimes
distracted in prayer! Imagine that and repent of any thinking
of voting for Julie. - June Cleaver after a six pack This
is a new blog to me and surely this is one of the greatest blog titles
ever. But if you vote for this homeschooling mother and Air Force wife
you will only encourage her and she will blog more and then her
children will suffer from lack of attention and grow up to be
miscreants. - Off
the Record Diogenes has long been one of my
favorite commenters. But what is up with Uncle Di being
anonymous? Just what does he have to hide? Many
think that he must be a priest and must keep a low profile because of
his commentary. For all we know he could be an albino monk
assassin. - Orthometer Funny title, funny
priest. I always enjoy when Fr. Richtsteig posts and he lists some
solid reason for voting for him. But what would
happen to his humility if he were to win this award? So save father’s
spiritual life and don’t vote for him. - Some Have Hats Another one of my
favorite blogs and Karen Hall sure can
write. She also writes at the group blog Some Wear Clerics where I
sometimes guess post at and is also listed in the humor
category. But
is it really fair for a screenwriter with such great credits as
writing for MASH should be allowed to compete against us amateur?
Isn’t this like Mario Andretti showing up at a Soapbox Derby? - Spirit of Vatican II “Catholic” Faith
Community Many think this is a hilarious parody blog that
mocks progressives. Well that is the way it started, but they have
spiraled out of control. Like a spy who has gone into deep
cover for so long that he has forgotten his real personality, the same
thing has happened to the authors there. To save their souls you must
not vote for this blog! - Standing on My Head One of my
favorite books is Fr. Dwight Longenecker “Adventures in
Orthodoxy” and his blog shows the same humor and uncommon “common
sense.” But maybe you are not aware of the Zuchetto schism
and how he is willing the leave the Church over a hat. Can you trust a
man willing to disobey the magisterium over head ware? Maybe standing
on your head too long does that to you. - The Crescat Great sense of humor
and quite a funny blog. But just how many people were
permanently blinded when she ran the worst vestment contest? - The Ironic Catholic Another blog I
have linked to a lot and is one of the few pure humor blogs out there
in St. Blogs. No commentary just laughs. Theological humor
and funny pictures for captions. But often her humor is not
ironic! Or is the irony that her humor is not always ironic?
This makes my brain heart so don’t vote for her or her
husbands occasional contributions or that Alanis Morissette
song on irony will become an earworm you can’t get rid of. - The Shrine of the Holy Whapping
Another funny group blog that has stood the test of time. But
opposition research has revealed that they snack on meat on Fridays
during Lent! - Seraphic Singles Now I must admit
at first I thought this was a hook up site for angels – Kind of a Imagine my surprise to find it is from the perspective
of the life of a single Catholic woman and her often quite funny
observations on her life. You can get a good idea on her sense of humor
with her Ten Great Things About Being
Single. . But if you vote for her and she becomes
more popular and as a result even gets married, then we will lose this
funny blog. - What
does the prayer really say Certainly Fr. Z’s blog
is addictive and has become one of the favorite blogs of a large chunk
of Catholic readers. Who can’t love a priest who comes up
with “Save the liturgy, save he world”? His fisks and Latin
translations make him a must read. But is he really funny?
Just because he goes by the first initial in his last name
and does clever things like put out a Podzcast does that make him
funny? It just might be that he has some kind of initial
syndrome. For example what does he call his site but “W.D.T.P.R.S”
Does he have some unnatural attachment to initials?
There are also many other blogs that I did
not reference. I
just ran out of money for opposition research.
I’m the Curt Jester and I approve this
American Papist has responded to
my charges in a populist way saying “I am not your average Catholic
and neither are you!” Everybody can not be above average or
the mathematical law of averages becomes nonsense. Let me ask
you if you made an important call at 3:00 A.M to the American Papist do
you think that he could say something funny at a moments notice.
I have the experience to be funny from day one!
Alive and Young has also responded.
I would respond to his angry post but my blog is all about
hope and change. The Curt Jester – Humor you can believe in.