Via Joe Carter at First Things.
Earlier this week, members of the President’s Council on Bioethics were told by the White House that their services were no longer needed. President Obama’s decision was made and implemented in his typical style–gracious, pragmatic, and imprudent. According to the New York Times, the council was disbanded because it was designed by the Bush administration to be “a philosophically leaning advisory group” that favored discussion over developing a shared consensus. The new bioethics commission appointed by Obama will have a new mandate to offer “practical policy options.”
In other words, the Obama administration already knows where it stands on all those pesky moral issues like human cloning, chimeras, and euthanasia, and just needs a group to provide advice on how to implement its preferred policies. Whereas the previous councils wrestled with such questions as “What is the nature of human dignity?” the new one will most likely be addressing more practical policy options, such as “How much should we pay women to harvest their eggs for cloning?”
So who is the President going to go to for advice. Cue the Church Lady.
Electronic Arts has revealed that religious protests made against Dante’s Inferno at E3 were a publicity stunt.
According to The AP, a group of 20 protesters stood outside the Los Angeles Convention Center handing out pamphlets and waving banners such as ‘Trade In Your PlayStation For A PrayStation’ and ‘Hell Is Not A Video Game’.
EA’s Holly Rockwood later revealed that the protests had been carried out by a viral marketing agency, after they were reported by local news agencies.
Dante’s Inferno, which is loosely based on the epic poem The Divine Comedy, will be released for the 360, PS3 and PSP in 2010.
I wonder if they go on to make a game out of Dante’s Purgatorio if they will hire fake Protestants to protest it. “Where is that game in the Bible?”
Since Bishop George Lucas has been appointed to the Diocese of Omaha you know I couldn’t resist some Star Wars’ tie ins. I started out making some on Twitter and others added their own.
Re: new bishop in Omaha. Do I go for the easy Star Wars joke? Naw. I’m sure @CurtJester beat me to it. 😉 @bettnett
Well actually Dom’s tweet was how I found out. But he does know me well as far as intent.
I hope he won’t be writing any dialogue for the liturgy.
As much as I love Yoda please don’t assign him to the Vox Clara committee for the English translations of liturgical texts. “Ended, the mass is”
It would be awesome if he had a pastoral staff/light sabre.
If Ja Ja Binks gets appointed as Auxiliary Bishop the Papal Nuncio will be going to detox.
His catch phrase is “Use the GIRM!”
His favorite Gospel is the Gospel of Luke
His first pastoral letter will be on bioethics & titled “Attack of the Clones”. @jasongennaro
I hope Bp. George Lucas attacks the (Culture of) Death Star as successfully as Skywalker did in Ep 4. @DenverGregg
“Bishop George Lucas tells everyone that he is their Father. @geek
He will rename them the Jedi Knights of Columbus. @vjmorton
the nun’s habits in the diocese will now have large black earpieces on either side @vjmorton
The THX sound at the beginning of Mass is a bit much. Still better than announcements. @joemarier
‘May the Force be with you’ … ‘And also with you’ @jordanhenderson
I wonder how many times he’s said tongue in cheek, “I find your lack of faith disturbing. @catholiclawyer
How about “Peter cut off the ear of the Roman first! @meepbobeep
So what can you come up with?
Airport security officers carried the woman away by the feet and arms as she protested her removal.
She later identified herself as Brenda Lee, a writer for the Georgia Informer in Macon and said she has White House press credentials. The newspaper’s Web site says it is a monthly publication, and a Brenda Lee column is posted on it.
Calls to the newspaper and the White House press office were not immediately returned.
Lee said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press that she wanted to hand Obama a letter urging him “to take a stand for traditional marriage.”
She said she asked a Secret Service agent to give the president her letter, but he refused and referred her to a White House staffer. Lee said she refused to give the staffer the letter.
“I said, ‘I’ll take my chances if (the president) comes by here,'” said Lee, who identified herself as a Roman Catholic priestess who lives in Anaheim, Calif. “He became annoyed that I wouldn’t give him the letter.”
Lee, who was wearing what she described as a cassock, said she protested when she was asked to leave.
A women priest in a cassock defending marriage? I remember joking asking once where are the women traddy priests and how come only dissidents seemed to be called? Oh dear, be careful what you joke about.
Today being the feast day of the great saint and Doctor of the Church St. Catherine of Siena I remembered something I once pondered while driving. When behind a family van that had those sticker indicating parents. kids. and dogs and cats I wondered what would have happened if St. Catherine’s family lived in modern times? St. Catherine herself was the last of 25 children to the same mother. Here is how I envision their family transportation.