I think the fine folks at Patheos had pity on us and came up with a scheme to get Mark Shea to finally change his blog template. As a reader of his blog for the last nine-plus years not much has changed on his site visually as he started with one of limited default templates Blogger had back in the day. Commenting systems have been about the only thing that has changed besides some minor changes and his being forced to update when a new framework for blogger came out. Though I wish they had incorporated his militant picture of Bugs Bunny.
So thank you Patheos and congrats to Mark on the move.
Mark Shea first posted on April 24, 2002 which was exactly three months before I also started blogging. A retirement ceremony for his bloodspot theme will be held this Friday.
Though since his new site no longer has Google Friend Connect he will have to admit defeat in the follower war with Fr. Longenecker.