Shattered Tablets: Why We Ignore the Ten Commandments at Our Peril by David Klinghoffer gives a very interesting Jewish perspective on culture using the Ten Commandments. Each chapter goes through each commandment with plenty of commentary both on the commandment and the negative examples society gives by rejecting them. David Klinghoffer being from the Seattle area primarily uses news from Seattle and surrounding areas to make his points. The secularism of Seattle and the Pacific Northwest in general provides a good backdrop to roundly ignoring the Ten Commandments.
David Klinghoffer is a Senior Fellow of the Discovery Institute and contributor to the National Review and the Jewish weekly newspaper The Forward is an Orthodox Jew, but he is quite willing to make common cause with conservative Christians. His harsher criticisms are given to both liberal Jews and Christians for their part in ignoring the Commandments and then secularists. The stories he culls from both Seattle and national news illustrates exactly the points he wants to make when we dump our Judeo-Christian heritage.
I found his commentary on the Ten Commandments primarily using Jewish sources to be quite informative and interesting. Though you can certainly see some divulgences in interpretations from the Ten Commandments that divulge from Catholic understanding. So while I might disagree with some of his interpretations I mostly agree with how he sees living the Ten Commandments and especially how not following the Sabbath has so disrupted Family and Community. The book though has definitely given me a deeper view on some of the nuances of the Commandment that are normally mentioned.