During my conversion on my way into the Catholic Church it included a period of time during my initial fervor when I only listened to Christian music. I had some silly justifications for this, but I don’t regret this phase as I found some good bands* that I enjoy to this day. During this time I became aware of a band called Scarecrow and Tinmen which I enjoyed as the lead singer Chris Padgett has a kind of voice I enjoy that would have suited him well if he was in a Progressive Rock band. Listening one day to Joanne Benkovic’s radio show I was surprised to hear Chris Padgett on the show as he described not only his conversion to the Catholic Church, but fellow band members also. A Rather interesting story as the band came into contact with the Catholic faith while touring and occasionally playing Catholic venues. Christ Padgett now has a solo career and I still enjoys his music.
I mention this because he has written a new book called Wholly Mary: Mother of God which I received for review. So do we need another book on Mary by an ex-Protestant? Well I say the more the Mary. This is a medium size book that talks more about Mary than attempting to be purely an apologetic source, though there is apologetics material contained within. It is written with a light touch of humor and is quite accessible in regards to understanding the points Chris makes.
I also liked the fact that in writing about Mary he really makes the book about her pretty and does not intrude his own conversion story and coming to have a devotion to Mary out of it. There is certainly plenty of room for books that do that, but I liked the approach. That being said I certainly would like to see a book on his conversion story. The part of the book I really enjoyed was his section on the Family Rosary and general tips regarding starting the process and the difficulties sometimes involved.
This is a nice general introduction to devotion to Mary that covers most of the important topics up to and including the Church’s teaching about Marian apparitions.
*When it comes to Christian music I invoke Sturgeon’s Law. SF Writer Theodore Sturgeon law regarded the fact that 90% of SF is crud, but also that 90% of everything is crud.